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"Where are you going?" Gavin gawked at him as he charged towards the grassy path the dog had taken.

"The dog..." He said incompletely, watching as the little creature wriggled through the grasses, his yelp fading as he went farther.

"What's your business with the dog?" Gavin scoffed and watched as Jethro snubbed his mocking laughter and rather trailed the puppy, "You're following it? Do you know where you're going? You goof!" He huffed at his defiant friend's back.

"Feel there's a treasure down there." Jethro rather joked, bobbing his head in a crazy hope as he moved deeper, his sight fixed on the little dog.

"Too much of ugly movies. Now I know why your Mum hates you watching them." Gavin nagged, his voice clouded in frustration.

"Yes..yes.. bang making an ugly movie myself now." Jethro cackled his response and he heard Gavin give a 'heck ' snort as he finally reached the end of the path. The puppy had trotted to the right and then disappeared, his cry stopping simultaneously.

Everywhere went silent afterward and all Jethro could hear were the rustle of his footsteps as he moved. A wild breeze surged, coupling with the ominous chirp of birds and suddenly it was like an ugly movie as Gavin had warned. Jethro felt his tension rising until his eyes finally fell on a bench calmly set under an almond with a hooded figure sitting on it, quiet and lost in some thought. He took a gentle step forward and the puppy yelped again on seeing him, causing the hooded girl to turn.

"Oh my..." She gasped when she saw him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He stammered.

"Who're you? What are you doing here?" She demanded in her teary voice, her pale eyes prickling at the uniform he was wearing. There was a clear detest in the way she looked. She did not want to entertain anyone from Riverdale for now.

But maybe Finn.

"I'm Finn's cousin. He sent me to you." He lied, knowing that was the best he could say for now.

"Really?" Her eyes instantly bulged in a mix of amazement, hurt and tainted gladness.

"Ye..s." He nodded and took the silence that set in shortly after to survey her. She looked fragile. Not what he had not expected but she looked paler than he would have imagined. She was like a dying twig in the summer and that made his heart snap into invisible pieces.

"I didn't write to him for a response. I just wanted to tell him the whole truth." She sobbed, her weak frame trembling as she did so.

"He said you shouldn't have come for the party. He said he warned you not to." Jethro found himself putting on the best act ever, smartly using what he had read in the letter as his script.

"Yes, I shouldn't. I shouldn't."

Jethro felt his heart squeezed up as the girl wept into the drifting air, dropping her wet face into her palms and he decided it was the best moment to move closer and console her. The puppy grunted as he walked nearer, showing his displeasure at him for making his owner cry.

"But why did you go when he asked you not to? He's really mad at that." He whispered when his palm reached her soft shoulder.

"I know. I know." That was what she whimpered in response, her face still firmly buried in her palms.

"Did you truly go there to see Stan?" He asked softly and that made her raise her head instantly.

"No. That's not it. No." She shook her head vehemently, the tears spreading wide over her cheeks while her dog whined, displaying his sympathy for her.

"So, how did you end up with him?" His eyes doubled on hers as he spoke and it all lulled as the awkward moment lasted.

"I don't know." She sniffed, "I only woke up to see myself..." Her tears choked out her words and before she could wrap her face in her palms again, Jethro took hold of her wrist and pulled her close.

"I'll talk to Finn about this. Hopefully, he believes." He promised, feeling the warmth of her tears piercing through his shirt. A funny sensation twirled through his body as the world seemed to be still. Here he was, having Ava in his embrace. He felt stupidly thrilled. It was no longer an ugly movie, it's turning out fine.

"You said you're Finn's cousin?" She mumbled when she finally raised her head from him.

"Yes." He nodded firmly like he had just said the stark truth.

"He never told me he has one in the school, but thanks for coming." She sobbed her gratitude and then glanced up at the grassy path as some footsteps approached.

"Ava, I've been looking for you." The familiar voice grumbled and Jethro as well looked back to see the old man lumbering towards them. The man paused when he saw Jethro and he glowered, reliving the ugly moment they had at the door, "You again?" He grunted.

"I know Ava will be glad to see me." Jethro chuckled in contrast.

"But I told you to leave." The man howled.

"Pa, I'm glad he came." Ava's calm voice came in before Jethro could utter another word.

The man gulped in annoyance and then stretched out the pack in his hand towards his daughter, "Here." He said with the pessimism evident in his voice.

"I'm not hungry, Pa." She refused as expected and the man's eyes darkened in sympathy.

"How long will you go without eating? You're hurting yourself, girl. See, you're growing fragile, you're..." The man nagged till he could speak no more.

"Bring it Pa, she'll take it." Jethro offered his hand for the pack when the father and daughter would keep to their mutual silence.

The man firstly frowned at him and then surprisingly breathed an "Alright." as he let go of the pack. His jowls danced as he looked piteously at his daughter before stomping back, up the rough path.

"You'll have to eat, Ava." Jethro urged when the man could no longer be seen.

"I'm not hungry." She repeated sadly and sat back on the bench while her dog snuggled between her legs.

"He said you haven't eaten for days and you look certainly weak and empty." Jethro maintained his persuasive act as he perched on the edge of the bench.

"Yes, I'm empty." She wheezed, "But you know what can fill me now?" She asked, staring up at a restless bird making a low song on the almond.

"I will certainly get you that if I know," Jethro promised and she looked at him with a sad smile.

"You'll get it for me?" Her low voice sought his assurance.

"Yeah," Jethro reassured and her smile broadened under the rain of tears pouring down her cheeks.

"I know you can't." She mouthed, "How can you find answers to the thousands of questions battling my soul right now?" She chuckled, wiping off the tears with the back of her palms before switching her sight to the restless bird again, "What is everyone saying about me now? What have they all believed? The lies. How am I ever going to tell them the truth? Will they even ever believe me when they hear it?" She sobbed, a pause coming in and her eyes shut firmly while she concluded, "Answers to these questions are what would fill me for now."

Jethro gave a sympathetic sigh as he listened to her. His eyes also went closed, his fingers raking through his hair, and just when he thought the awful silence would last a long time, he heard Ava suddenly shift on the bench.

"Finn." Her quivering voice had called and Jethro could not help gasping in shock as he saw the handsome, blond boy standing a few inches away

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