Prologue|『𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6』𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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Chapter 6
The warnings of danger

"Someone is following us," Aurora informed sternly after she squinted her eyes to take a closer look from the rearview mirror

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"Someone is following us," Aurora informed sternly after she squinted her eyes to take a closer look from the rearview mirror. "What?" Amelia looked back, shocked. She knew this mustn't be a good thing. "They have guns and are pushing us to the east side. The isn't anything there, only the sea and some old types of castles."

"What can we do, these people are very bad, my girl, I am afraid I did this to you. Quick, driver, pull over, let the girl go!" Amelia said hurriedly, but Aurora grabbed her wrist firmly but not painfully. "If you pull over we'll all die. Quick, driver, this is how it's going to go. You speed up, maximum, and then take a quick left turn, then I'll let you leave this car safely okay? Unfortunately Miss Amelia you can't get out since they're after you." the driver nodded hesitantly, fear written all over his face. "But, Aurora, you-"

"Sush. You get to the passenger seat immediately, we won't have much time okay?" Amelia seemed to consider things when suddenly, gunshots were heard from behind them. "Fuck!" Aurora hissed angrily, jumping on Amelia, placing her body above he's not wanting her to get shot. Aurora's action made Amelia tear up immediately, "Are you okay, Miss Amelia?" Aurora looked down at her, concern written all over her hard features. "Oh, come on, you moron, is it time to cry right now?"

"Little girl, did you just call me a moron?" Amelia grinned at the young woman in front of her, "Um... No, I didn't." Aurora feigned innocence before giving a small reassuring smile to the older woman. "Miss, we're here."

"Quick swap, don't fuck up or we're dead," Aurora yelled, and so they did, the driver got out and Amelia went to the passenger seat, as Aurora went to the driver's one. Almost immediately, she started driving and speeding up, "Whoa, girl, slow down I haven't closed the door yet." Amelia's brows shot to her forehead, "What door? Woman, you're about to die, just close it already." Aurora said sharply as if scolding Amelia, and a small smile appeared on the older woman's face. 'Seems that they will get along just fine, huh.' she thought to herself. "Guns." Aurora spoke up suddenly, "What?" Amelia asked confused. "Do you have a gun here?" "Yeah, my husband gave me these, are they used-" Aurora just grabbed the duals and opened her window. "Grab the stirring wheel, madam." Aurora snapped, "What?!" Amelia shook her head. "Do it or we're dead."

"Okay, be careful!" Amelia complied, looking at Aurora anxiously. Aurora slipped her upper body outside of the window and started shooting at the black cars behind her. That was when she noticed it was more than one car following her. She shot two men before getting back inside, more gunshots could be heard now. "Miss Amelia, stay the fuck down, and don't die, got it?"

"Yes, Miss Aurora." Amelia mocked a little and the younger girl scoffed as she looked concerned over the woman. "I count to three and you grab the wheel again okay?" Aurora growled and Amelia nodded at her, "Okay..."

"Good. One two three!" Aurora pushed her body outside the window once more, both hands outside now, as she fired away. Targeting the driver of the first man, she fired a shot at his head. The bullet cracked the glass and went straight to the man's head, causing the car the screech to the side. After that she shoots at the car, making it blow up before going back in her seat. By now they were driving at full speed and concern were written on both woman's faces. "Seatbelt, woman," Aurora yelled at the older woman and she obliged. After, Aurora grabbed the wheel and floored the pedal, making both of the crash in their seats. "Shit, are you okay?" Aurora sounded concerned, much to her surprise. "Yes, yes do your thing, I'm fine, just don't kill yourself." Amelia giggled.

"Lady, I think you got it wrong, you're the one that has things to lose, I don't, even if I am dead nobody will care, dare I say people will be happy about it." Aurora scoffed and floored the brake pedal, taking a sharp turn at the seaside mountain she was heading to now. "You need to call your husband to save us, Miss Amelia. Or else we're both screwed and not in the good kinda way." Aurora said smiling, "What is the good 'kinda' way of being screwed?" Amelia asked with a raised eyebrow, amusement written all over her pale skin. "Not the time to explain, not the fucking time." Aurora took another sharp turn, making Amelia scream in shock. "Oh my god! Who taught you how to drive? Lord help me!" Aurora laughed out loud, a sound that she hadn't heard in years, but she enjoyed it too, she felt safe with this woman by her side.

"Hello? Ares?" Amelia was speaking on the phone now. "Amelia, where are you?" a low voice came from the speaker, Aurora could listen now too. "Listen, I'm kind of in a bad situation, um.." Amelia looked at Aurora for help, to which the latter returned with an eye roll. "What do you mean, Amelia? I can't seem to find the fucking location you're in right now, what is happening?-" Ares was cut off by a very impatient Aurora, "Look dude-" Aurora started, "Oh shit wait, Amelia grab the wheel and give me the guns." and so she did. After shooting a bunch of men and bombing a few cars, Aurora got back into the car.

"What was I saying? Oh yes, look, man, your wife is getting chased by probably people that are after you. Now, what is going to happen is that I'll tell you where we're at and you come to save her. Capito?" Amelia raised an eyebrow at Aurora surprised. "How did you know my husband is Italian?"

"Miss, please, I've been dealing with men my whole life. Their language is the least of my problems." Aurora scoffed at Amelia as she smiled back, "Who are you?" the voice sounded much lower now, almost a whisper, it was as if the man sensed the young woman's aura. Back then, he felt something unrecognizable, but because of the circumstances, he could do anything about it. "It doesn't matter, just come over to the location you're wife will send you, si?" Aurora grunted angrily as a bullet went through her left arm, she almost let the car fall off the cliff, but she was quick enough to catch it. "Aurora! You're bleeding. Oh my god, girl, stop this car right now!"

"Are you crazy, woman? If I stop they'll kill you!" Aurora was angry now, and it was obvious, "Then let them kill me!" Amelia said, "Shut up!" Aurora growled in comprehension as she looked ahead of her. "Young lady, you're very rude! You're about to die-"

"It's on my shoulder, I will not die, aren't you a doctor, you'd know better." Aurora scoffed with a grin, "How did you know-" Amelia's eyes widened in surprise now, "Baby, please, look at the callouses on your hands, can't it be more obvious." Aurora pouted childishly at Amelia who was now the one annoyed, "My God, who are you! Fine, let me that you at least." the older woman said, "Send you're to husband the location first!" Aurora reminded her, "Fine! Ares? Ares, are you listening to me?" the man was left in a trance when he heard the young women scream, realizing that she'd just been shot, his heart started beating faster than usual, and fear crept into his pores for the first time in years.

"Amelia, just be safe okay? I'll come immediately." The woman nodded and ended the call. She already could feel the change in his voice, somehow, this was what she needed to confirm her thoughts. This girl was going to be his, scratch that, she already was. Amelia felt a pang of pain while treating Aurora's wound. Because of her, the young girl got shot, should she tell her that she was going to die soon and that she didn't have to save her? She wanted to but when Aurora glanced at her, hope written all over her face, Amelia couldn't bring herself to hurt the younger woman's feelings.

They were driving upward the mountain now, the sun as warm as the fire in hell. It burned the women's skin and crawled into their brains. "We're almost up there, see that castle? We will be safe there, okay?" Aurora nodded more to herself than the older woman. But in her heart, she knew what was waiting for them up there, her only hope was that Amelia's husband would come and save his wife in time.

After half an hour of driving, they reached the top of the mountain. Aurora and Amelia quickly got out of the car, and Aurora took Amelia's hand in hers, dragging her towards the castle-like building to hide. "There are more men up here, Miss Amelia. We can only wait for your husband okay?"

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