Getting caught part 2

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The silence between the 3 dragon riders was tense. Y/n, in the deep realm of his mind, was still worrying about the secrecy of the Dragon island. He begrudgingly put those away as the leader of the Dragon riders a group of powerful Vikings who ride dragons, was in front of him with a night fury of his own. Reaper was ready to kill. Just one command and the blood of Hiccup Haddock would be spread across the floor and his dragon would soon be taken out by a swift attack. The wind that smacked his face took him out of his murderous thoughts as Heather then began to speak.
Heather:Hello Hiccup. It's been a while.
Hiccup:Heather what are you doing here? Sinking ships? Taking out Vikings and preventing them from fishing?
Heather:I have been looking for someone. That's all.
Hiccup:You didn't have to resort to hurting others.
Heather looked down with shame. This face made Y/n sad and aggravated as his fierce gaze met Hiccup's eyes. Once again the silence filled the air of the Rocky edge. Reaper was still concentrating a plasma blast while Hiccup's night fury was doing similar actions. The two dragon riders did motions that told their dragons to stop their charge. The dragons followed but kept firm gazes on the other.
Hiccup:You're Y/n aren't you?
Y/n:So what if I am?
Hiccup:We need to talk in private later. But first let's go.
The 3 of them flew to the other riders. The Riders not quite as happy to see Heather again, for what she did prior at them, but she reasons that she had been living on her own for the past few years, and made some enemies. She was trying to send the Dragon Riders back to Berk so they wouldn't be involved. Hiccup offers Heather to stay in the Dragon's Edge temporarily to provide her with some provisions to catch up. While Heather initially turns the offer down, she accepts to go with them. Hiccup then turns to Y/n.
Hiccup:You were travelling with her. Would you like to come with us? I still want to talk to you later.
Y/n seemed reluctant but seeing Reaper play with Toothless made him change his mind.
With that all the riders fly towards the direction of the dragon's edge. Once they arrived the Riders ask Heather how she trained a Razorwhip. She explains that it was all because of her past experience on Berk with the Dragon Riders. She explains she found her dragon, Windshear, after witnessing the dragon fight with a Typhoomerang and that she was severely injured. Heather nursed her back to health and used the dragon training the Riders taught her to bond with the Razorwhip.Ever since then, Heather confidently claims they are an unstoppable force that no one can even dare to take down. During her story, Hiccup and Astrid notice her new 'dark' attitude.Heather brags her dragon's power by demonstrating Windshear's tail filled with powerful blades that each one can slice as powerful as the sharpest and strongest battle axes, as well as her fire, can melt the flesh off a human from 100 feet away. Astrid is impressed with Heather's new 'hardcore' attitude but Hiccup is unsure of what to make of her. Despite this, Astrid still likes the new Heather and tells Hiccup to ask her later about the destroyed ships as she wants to ask her about her incredible battle axe. Then the topic went to Y/n and Reaper.
Fish legs:How did you find another Night fury? Especially one that uses the scales of dragons.
Y/n:I was raised with him and his late mother. And that is all I will reveal.
Questions aside the day drags on. Hiccup attempts to interrogate Heather, asking her why she was attacking the ship earlier. Heather want him to drop the matter, saying a lot has changed in the last few years and she has made some enemies. When Hiccup proceeds to dwell into the matter, Heather threatens with leaving. He then tells her that he and the Riders only want to help her. Heather still doesn't want to talk about it and ends up changing the subject by thanking him for being a good friend. Hiccup still remains skeptical of her.

At night, Heather plans to flee with Windshear, and locks up the dragons' pens, preventing the Riders from following her. Unbeknownst that Hiccup and Toothless are witnessing her actions and quietly follows her to get some answers. Hiccup and Toothless land quietly on a cliff as they spot Heather and Windshear talking with Trader Johann. Unknown to everyone, above the clouds, Y/n was following. What would happen next.
(Sorry for the lack of updates on this story)

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