Getting caught part 3

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(It will be a bit shorter since I am still pretty tired from the stuff I did this week)
Heather departs after her conversation to Johann, and this is when Hiccup decides to interrogate Johann of what he knows about Heather wheras Y/n stays in his hidden spot in the clouds and follows Heather.

Y/n:Did you hear anything?
Reaper:She said she was going to go after Dagger. Johann gave her directions of where he is.
Y/n:Dammit. She is going to get herself killed.
He looks further, using a scope lens to see further where he sees Heather land on a distant island, far from the dragons edge and the neighboring islands but close enough to the northern markets that it would be accurate to say Dagger was planning to buy weapons so he should be resting here.
Y/n:Dagger must be stating stationary around here if she isn't continuing to fly.
Reaper:It is probably best to make camp far from here but not too far that we can't see when she leaves. I will stay on watch and wake you if she goes
With that the pair land at the peak of the islands far enough that Heather can't see them but close enough that they will be able to see her.

Back with Hiccup

He wants to know why Heather is out attacking and looting ships. Johann answers that it has something do with her village, as he reveals it was destroyed by a 'group of undesirables', prompting Heather for vengeance.She made it her personal mission to avenge her island and her family. Johann also explains that she is not 'looting' the ships but rather redistributing it back to the victims for the horrible crimes they've committed.Every ship Heather attacks mean that she is 'avenging' what she and her village had lost, except that those who died can never be replaced. Hiccup cuts to the chase and asks where Heather is going, Johann answers that Heather isn't going somewhere but merely going after someone. Hiccup then asks about Y/n.
Hiccup:What does Y/n have to do in this? Is he in on this murder mission?
Johann:It doesn't appear to be like that. Heather said he just wants to capture him and so wants to kill him swiftly and come back.
Hiccup, satisfied with this answer, flies in Toothless and heads towards the direction to Heather and unknown to him Y/n. At dawn, Heather reveals that she is going after Dagur the Deranged, as it was the Berserkers who raided Heather's island. Y/n is tailing her from above, ready to jump in when things go wild. He can her state her intentions to avenge her dead parents and village as she wants her face to be the last thing Dagur ever sees. However, Heather expected that Dagur was sailing alone, but she spots that more armed ships are guarding Dagur's so Heather has no choice but to fly at bay.

However, Savage spots Windshear causing Dagur to order to assault it. The Berserkers fire two grappling chains and successfully grab hold of Windshear. Heather and Windshear are now being reeled in, but Windshear gives a fierce resistance making the job harder for the Berserkers. Things get worse when more of Dagur's ships arrive to reinforce them. More grappling chains successfully grab hold of Windshear, Heather is also tied in from the chains.

Hiccup and Toothless arrives at the scene just in time to see that Windshear and Heather are being pulled in by numerous ships. However, they aren't prepared for what happens next. The loud bellow of primal rage that comes from the skies that makes it seem like Thor is casting his rage but the high frequency of a speeding object tells him something different is coming. Piercing the clouds is Y/n and Reaper and in his eyes are nothing but rage.

Y/n:Don't you dare take her!

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Y/n:Don't you dare take her!

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