Q/A #9: First Chapter

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This Q/A was taken from the chapter titled "TIP #9: Tackling Your First Chapter."

Q: I was just wondering how to transition to another point of view without bluntly saying it by putting POV? I have one or two chapters that are dedicated to the antagonist view, how should I inform the reader that I have switched point of views?

A: If it's one or two isolated chapters, then you can italicize the text of those chapters to alert your readers. Be sure, in your writing, that the voice (POV) is distinct enough that your readers know that point of view has shifted.

Q: What do you think about starting the book off in the midst of an argument?

A: This could work as long as this is relevant to the story (for example, plays into the plot) and/or involves key players in the story.

Q:  What do [you] think of starting a chapter with yelling?

A: Well, naturally, it might grab the attention of the audience because it's so disruptive, but you have to be careful here. You have to be sure you provide some context in which the yelling is occurring and give readers a reason to care. Who's doing the yelling? Why are these people important? How do they tie into the story? Does the yelling provide context into much deeper conflict that will be explored? These are the kinds of things that you should consider.

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