Romance, Teen Fiction
It's your senior year of high school and you and your boyfriend just broke up. In four months, you have senior prom and no date. The one guy you've always crushed, Dawson Philips, is a bit of jerk, but you still want him. There's just one catch: he's got a girlfriend, Lizzy Turley, and she's a real piece of work and will fight to keep this guy at all costs, even though they argue all the time. So...
Four months. Hot guy crush. One nasty girlfriend. How will you make him yours for prom?
If you choose to take this challenge, then you will add your entries in the COMMENTS section. Each person, beginning after the first individual, will build upon the work of the person who preceded him or her.
This prompt will serve to jump-start your creativity and/or inspiration and give you more writing practice. Now, go forth and write (but do it in the COMMENTS section below LOL). And keep in mind, while writing, all the tips and lessons you've learned here thus far.
How to Become a Better Writer: A Wattpad Guide
Non-FictionSome basic writing tips to help you become a more effective storyteller.