Valentine's day special

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Ive never been one to do these but for you guys ill do it, ^-^ love, you all(Btw this is like before the rewrite, so you don't have the beloved dog;-;) (this wont make sense to readers here)

I was hiding, not in the best spot but it was something. 'oh god mandy HELP ME' The woman just laughed. Today, Valentine's day. This meant Sasuke, Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, and almost anyone else i could think of was running around looking for Me.

"Hey Y/n-"Ino said walking up behind me. I twirled around and put my hands on her mouth.

"Shhhhhhhhh....They might hear you..." I told her in a hushed voice. She nodded her head and sat down next to me in the shadows. A large group of people walked right past us . I let out a sigh of relief before I felt Ino's hand get snatched out of mine, and I got picked up."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed.

"Y/n calm down, I'm getting you safe." Kiba's voice said.
"Kiba?!" I asked, Akamaru barked at me, but playfully. I smiled and patted his head. Sasuke yelled something in Kiba and my direction, so the dog boy speeds up."Where are we going doggy?" He slightly glared at me because of the nickname but kept us moving. He was holding me bridal style and was moving quite quickly.

"Somewhere only we will know," Kiba replied. After a while of running, we made it to a mountain, there was a clearing and a nice little picnic was set up. Kiba set me down and stood back." you like it?" He asked nervously. Recently you really had been wanting a break, a nice little area away from everyone. Naruto's energy was exhausting sometimes, Shikamaru is a smart ass, Sasuke can be a handful with all the flirting sometimes too. You and Kiba haven't hung out in a while so this would probably be really nice.

"I really do like it Kiba," I said turning around and kissing his cheek. I smiled at him and sat down. Kiba's aura turned into a bright pink and I could tell because when I closed my eyes and smiled at him, I could see it glowing like the sun. He sat down and started getting the food out. It was a pretty funny and impressive setup. Considering a 12-year-old made this. "How did you get all this?" I asked as Akamaru nudged at me to pet him.

Kiba smirked and shrugged."Thats for me to know, and you to find out." I squinted my eyes at him.

"Rude." I joked."that's why Akamaru loves me more." I say picking up the puppy and holding him close to my chest.

"Pft sure Akamaru is loyal to me and me only.....Right?" Akamaru nuzzled closer to me and I gave Kiba a victory smile. Kiba playfully punched me so I punched him back. This went back and forth until Kiba found my ticklish spot. he poked it again after he found it the first time. then again, and again, and again. Until I doubled over in laughter and couldn't get up.

"K-Kiba! S-st-stop!" My laughter seemed to echo throughout the forest and off the mountain walls. when he stopped and I bought my breath I realized he was on top of me. With both of his hands on either side of my head and one of his legs in between mine while the other was outside."K-Kiba?..." I whispered. But I knew he heard it from how close he was to me. He stared into my eyes for a while before his eyes dropped down to my lips.
'he better not-

he's gonna do it'

The moment Mandy stopped talking Kiba's head dipped down so that his lips met mine in a short but sweet kiss. He moved off of the top of me and just looked at me with his head tilted." Was that ok?....." He asked shyly. I held my hand over my mouth and stared at the ground. I was silent for a while and when Kiba was about to talk I nodded my head.
"YOU STUPID DOG!" Sasuke's voice yelled." I WAS SUPPOSED TO KISS Y/N TODAY!"

"SHUT UP SAUSGAY!" Narutos voice yelled from the other side of the clearing.

"IM NOT GAY YOU CARROT!" Sasuke yelled back. By now Kiba had already started standing up with Akamaru and moved closer to me. But when he got close enough to help me stand up it sounded like Sasuke started growling." Don't touch her or ill burn you." At the moment I was tempted to see if I could use nen to just walk around all three of these boys and then run away while they were seeing doubles, maybe triples of me. But I knew someone was missing. It wasn't until Sasuke launched himself at Kiba that Shikamaru Finally appeared and whisked me away.
"All of you are such a drag." He said, already sprinting away. Shika must of been jealous when Kiba was holding me. Because now he was holding me the same way but more securely. Or maybe it was just because we were going faster. It also made me cling together to his shirt, and I swear I could hear his smirk. He set me down when we got a bit closer to my house, where Kakashi was waiting outside for me.

"Young lady- Hello, Who's this?" He asked as he saw Shikamaru standing next to me.

"Otosan, this is Shikamaru, my very good friend. He also just saved me from the other boys so I think we should all get into the house and stay safe." I said in a rushed manner and brought everyone into the house. Kakashi deemed Shikamaru a good person and allowed him to stay the night. He DIDNT know that Shikamaru came and cuddled me in the room, he eventually fell asleep while holding me, and his warmth only made me more comfortable."My dads going to kill you..." I whispered

"Well that sucks."

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