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  After school was over, I waved to Naruto and walked home. I felt disgusting for not going to help him. But it needed to happen so the plot could move forward.

At least that's what I told myself since I had no clue what all was happening. The idea of changing everything so that I wouldn't have to feel such grief again. And no one really dies here, it made the situation less hard on my mind. I arrived home with Jelley and decided to put my stuff down and leave out the house again. I hadn't really spent too much time with just me and her in a while. And as long as I didn't go help Naruto, everything should proceed as it should. Me and Jelley walked around the town for a bit, looking in shops and passing by different friends.

"Is this what you normally do after school?" Skiamaru's voice scared me, I turned around and slapped him.

"OH MY- I'm so sorry Shikamaru!" I explained, trying to see if he was okay. Jelley just laid down next to my feet and watched our interaction. I took us to one of the restaurants nearby and got a cup of ice water for him to hold on to his face.

"What a drag, did I really scare you that bad?" Shikamaru asked while looking at me out of the corner of his eye. We had stopped and decided to sit on the curb until the pain subsided.

"Yes, you did. What made you think I was going to not hit you?" I questioned while turning my face to his. All he did was shrug. We sat in silence for the next couple of minutes before he removed the ice from his face to reveal a red handprint.

"Is it ok?" I asked quietly. He nodded.

"It barely stings now." I grabbed the ice from his hands and took it to a trashcan nearby.

"Well, I'm going to go back to walking around with Jelley," I paused and looked at him in the eyes." Did you want to come with me?" Shikamaru quickly stood up and walked with me, which made me feel a bit special since Shikamaru never seemed excited to do anything. Most of the walk was silent before he tapped my should and told me to follow him for a bit.

We ended up at this grassy field, very pretty. And since there was still some time left in the day we laid down in the grass, just watching the clouds. I'd only done this one other time in my real world, but it still felt just as real as everything else. I pointed out a cloud that reminded me of a butterfly, Shikamaru looked over at it.

"It does kind of look like one doesn't it?" Shikamaru smiled at it, or at least that's what it looked like from where I was. A big orange one landed on my finger while it was still up in the air.

"Shika. Holy crap Shikamaru there's a butterfly on my finger." I said, just staring at it.

"I can see that Y/n." Me, Shikamaru, and Jelly just watched the vibrant bug flag its wings slowly. At the moment everything felt slower like time only moved with the flap of the wings. That was until Jelly tried snapping at my hand.

"Ah!- Jelly! Don't do that!" The butterfly flew away while I was scolding Jelly. But Shikamaru just waited for me to be done while staring up at the sky. I turned to look at him and wondered what he was thinking about, but before I could open my mouth he suggested we do something else. I agreed and we left the field and continued walking around town in silence. But it wasn't awkward until Sasuke showed up. We hadn't talked and I didn't know what to say to him. "Hi, Sasuke..." I raised my hand up to wave at him, but he diverted his attention from me to Shikamaru with a glare.

"Why are you hanging out with...Him?" Shikamaru crossed his arms over his chest at Sasuke's words.

"Why not...? It's not a crime to hang out with people?" I locked my fingers behind my back and looked back and forth between the two boys. "But as you can see I doing such a thing, so would you mind if we went back on our way?" Sasuke looked back at me, his glare seemed to be even more intense now that I asked him to leave. But I stared right back at him, I'd be polite until he tried something, and right now I had this urge for him to try something. The thought of getting into a fight made my heart pound in an exciting way. But instead, he just scoffed and walked away with his hand in his pockets.

I let my hands drop to my sides and felt my heart sink a little at his dismissiveness but instead of saying something or letting us stay where we were watching Sasuke, Shikamaru grabbed my hand gently and led me back to my house.

"Well, Y/n. I had a wonderful time hanging out with you and would enjoy doing it again some other time." The smallest smile the world had ever seen graced Shikamaru's lips."Even if that Uchiha prick made the end of our day a little weird like the drag he is."

I giggled at Shikamaru and lightly punched his arm." Leave 'em alone. But I also had a great time with you today."

Geez, it sounds like he just dropped me off from a cheezy date that went wrong, but was still funny.

Jelly licked his hand and sat down at his side. Shikamaru just lightly patted her head. I waved one last time to the Brunette before walking back into the house. The next 20 minutes I would spend getting something to eat, washing my body, making sure the house was clean, contemplating my life, and wondering how the hell I ended up here in the first place. Everything and I mean everything, seemed to happen way too fast for me. From getting to this world, to meeting everyone.- It was all just too much. Jelly lay at the end of my bed while I was curled up in my covers. Kakashi would be at the Hokage's place right about now, and Naruto would be fighting some random dude. What was everyone else up to?...

Dear Readers,

Who's missed me?

Yeah yeah I know, I've been gone a while but I managed to get this chapter out so i'd like at least a little credit.

But in all seriousness, I have been a bit busier. My Freshman year of high school is coming to an end, which is crazy to think about because when I first wrote this I think was back in 2019-2020 so I was in maybe 7th or 8th grade.(I'm talking about the original story not the rewrite the OGs know what I'm talking about)

time is very weird, but I've got a girlfriend and my grades are improving so let's hope I'll be able to get a more consistent update pattern soon.

As always, thanks for keeping up with my story, hope you're having a beautiful day full of happiness and joy and until next time my loyal readers.

Sincerely, Nahnime.

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