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a whole chapter of steamy smut! yum!

Jungkook's apartment was almost exactly what Jimin pictured it to be. He could catch glimpses of decor as the blue haired male pulled him by the write through his from room, the low warm light of a lamp being the only thing to illuminate everything.

Posters were pinned to almost every wall, and a tall CD tower next to the TV was stocked to the brim. Of course in the corner of the room there was a drum set, various sheets of paper scattered around it. That was the last thing he got to peek at, before Jungkook's hand snaked around his waist and pulled him into his nearby bedroom.

It was dark, but Jungkook didn't flip on his light switch, having memorized the floor plan of his room as he guided Jimin towards his bed. He connected their lips in a messy, stumbling kiss, slipping his hand under Jimin's shirt and smoothing his palm against the smooth bare skin of his waist.

Jungkook kicked off his shoes and Jimin quickly followed suit, tangling his hand in the back of Jungkook's hair as the taller male shrugged off the jacket he wore home.

Jimin's heart was beating erratically in his chest, his hands wandering anywhere they could as he parted his lips to allow Jungkook's tongue to slip between them. The smell of cigarettes and cologne flooded his nostrils but at this point it could only be described as intoxicating. A subtle musky cologne coated in the smell of burnt tobacco, he just couldn't bring himself to hate it.

It was Jungkook's scent, how could he?

It wasn't long before Jungkook was pulling away from him, chest heaving and lips slicked with spit. He observed Jimin for a moment, arousal swimming in his eyes, before reaching down to slowly begin pulling Jimin's white T-shirt upwards.

Catching on to what Jungkook was insinuating, Jimin coyly lifted his arms upwards - allowing for the blue haired male to tug the material off of him completely. He shook out his raven coloured strands of hair once Jungkook had stripped his shirt off of him, before looking up to meet Jungkook's gaze with a pint tint on his cheeks.

"What?" He asked softly, breathing out a shaky breath as he watched Jungkook rake his eyes across his bare chest. Slowly they travelled upwards again until they were making eye contact once more, and Jungkook licked his lips.

"You're fucking stunning." He exhaled, reaching forwards to smooth his hands down Jimin's sides. Jimin's skin was so soft, it was hard not to grip his waist and squeeze it - wanting to know what his body felt like beneath his fingertips.

Jimin bit back a moan, and his breath quivered as he inhaled. Jungkook's hand felt so strong as they gripped him, and it made Jimin's stomach flip.

After a moment, Jimin found himself gasping as Jungkook pushed him backwards gently to fall against the mattress of his bed. Soft sheets cradled him, and soon Jungkook was on top of him - completely surrounding him in the scent and warmth of the taller male.

Jungkook ducked down, licking a stipe up the side of Jimin's neck. He couldn't help but smirk as he felt Jimin shiver from his actions, before gently sucking a soft mark beneath the raven haired male's ear.

Jimin was enthralling. Every touch elicited small breathy noises from the male beneath him, and Jungkook slowly found that he was becoming addicted to the sound of Jimin's moans, only riling him up more as his lips moved against Jimin's neck.

His skin was hot and the taste of salt met Jungkook's tongue as he travelled down the side of Jimin's neck and left a trail of red marks. He just couldn't help himself as he rolled his hips down once, groaning into Jimin's shoulder as his and Jimin's clothed erections ground against each other.

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