Chapter 2:Cage

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Marry Janes ambulance started to drive away. I had to be there for her no matter what. I started to swing after it as fast as i could. Web zipping to one building and wall running on the other. The ambulance pulled up in front of the hospital. Just as the paramedics started to pull MJ out of the back, six cars pulled up front. Bullets started to fly as the drivers got out of there car and started to shoot at each other.

Gang wars were becoming frequent lately. the paramedics looked panicked. the driver of the ambulance looked at the two paramedics. "everyone in one piece?" "were fine!" the one paramedic turned to the other "get her inside!" he then looked up at me "you! stop those lunatics!"

"uh yeah! ok!" before you could say 'friendly neighbor hood spider-man' I'm in the middle of a gang war. good times. MJ was getting her arm in a cast and i was feeling lousy for not being by her side, but if she knew i was ignoring what was going on in the streets..she would have kicked me back out the door.

I have dealt with these punks before. There were only two major gangs left at this point, and currently the two biggest pains in my side. the park avenues and the rolling sevens. At first both of the gangs were minding there own business but lately the leaders have been feuding.

All the gang members had nothing but pistols. I dodged and flipped past the flying bullets and grabbed one of the gang members and threw them into another knocking them both out. A rolling sevens member game up and tried to pistol whip me. i ducked and upper cutted him and kicked another member down as i came back down to the ground. 

I gave a nod of approval  as i looked around. "looks like that's all of them" just then 4 black cars pulled up. all park avenue members."urgh i knew this was over to quickly" they all drew there guns as one member walked up "your gonna pay for messin up my boys spider freak!" i leaped out of the way to dodge there bullets. then someone approached  one of the members from behind and hit him on the head knocking him out.

the man wore a yellow muscle shirt,steel toe boots and jeans. the members looked at him with surprise. "its cage! waste him!" the all opened fire on him the bullets hit his chest and fell to the ground not even leaving a dent. most of the stray bullets hit the car behind him causing it to explode and even that didn't leave a mark on cage.

Cage cracked his knuckles and gave a smile "now that was rude."  Luke cage. a fellow super hero. He used to go by power man, but that was when he also pranced around with a tiara looking head band and a afro. Guess he wanted to change things up a little. 

I shot some webs at one of the gang members and threw them into another knocking them to the ground. Cage got right in there knocking some heads together Quite literally picking up two gang members and hitting there heads against eachother.

That seemed to be the last of them. Finally things seemed to be calming down. After the cops came and rounded up the gang members cage aporched me.

"So what brings you uptown spidey?"

"I was coming to see about a friend in the emergency room, when all these fine chaps came along"

"Been after these punks all morning. you see anymore gang wars you shut em down-"

Just then I could feel my spider-sense tingle. I kicked Luke to the ground and jumped back as a large energy blast almost hit us. Luke and I turned our heads to see none other then an old foe of mine. Herman shultz, AKA the Shocker. It apeared he gave his suit a new upgrade. his suit was armored. most of it was a bright yellow color with some of it being a dark red. Shocker sported two gauntelts. one on each hand. With these shocker is able to create large and deadly energy blasts.

"Looks like were in for a fight on this one. you ready Cage?"

"Gotcha covered webs!"

As Cage charged for shocker who stood his ground, I web-zipped onto a building side, breaking into a wallrun.

shocker blasted a car sending it flying at Cage, who caught it

"heads up Spidey!"

Cage threw the car at me and started a fist match with shocker. I caught the car while still standing on the wall and threw it back at shocker who was to occupied to notice the car being hucked at him. Cage jumped back avoiding the explosion the sent shocker back into the building behind him. I jumped down with cage and started to approach him.

 Right as we got close enough Shocker jumped out of the ruble and blasted the cars and phone booths around us knocking both cage and i flying back. Rage flew through me as i got out of the ruble and i started to lose control. as I looked up at the shocker the black suit covered my body. "SHOCKEEEERRR!!!!!!"

I ran right up to Shocker who foolishly believed he was ready to face me. He threw a punch that i quickly grabbed. I started to crush his hand. I could hear his grunts of pain. I threw him into the pavement and while he was down, grabbed him by the neck. "Shocker you waste! you pathetic excuse for a villain!" 

I began to slam his face into the ground over and over and over. Metal began to litter the ground as parts of his mask started to break off. Then blood started to leak from his face onto the ground but I didn't stop. This felt...good. 

The sound of Shocker's screams of pain trying to beg me to stop but not a word getting out due to his face meeting with the pavement. As i pulled him up for more smashing I snapped to. As Cage and the cops approached me my black suit shifted back.

The police cuffed Shocker and put him into an armoured van. "Thanks spidey. Couldn't have done it without you. try to go a little easier on em next time ey?"

As they pulled away Cage gave me a look "So you got the black suit again huh? hope you got that thing under control"

"Of course i do! I know more about this then you do Cage!" i stopped myself "I'm sorry cage I don't know what came over me..." I turned my wrist over and looked at my watch "listen i gotta go meet somebody"Cage sighed but nodded "meet me in the park later Spidey. Gonna need your help again"

"you got it Cage" I quickly swung out of there. The black suit was doing what it always did. Giving me power yes but...taking control. I had to find a way to control it.... I just had to...

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