Chapter 4:Sounds in the Shadows

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My suit  shifted back to my normal suit as I swung through the air. I made my way to the presentation happening at the Baxter building,the headquarters for the Fantastic Four. The presentation was happening on the roof. I landed in the back as my Spidy-sense started to go off. I wasn't the only super hero here tonight. 

Standing on the stage next to a sheet covering something was Mr.fantastic, aka reed Richards in a black tuxedo. Next to him was his wife Susan storm-Richards.  

The second member of the Four also named the invisible woman. Reed and Sue married a few years back. Next to the door leading up to the roof was Ben Grimm aka the thing. Ben's skin was made out of a rocky texture. 

Ben was also wearing a tux which surprisingly fit him. he must have his clothes custom made. from the looks of things, Ben was acting as a bouncer just in case someone who wanted to cause some trouble decided to walk in.

The last of the Four was Johnny Storm. Also known as the human torch, Johnny was Sue's brother.  Aside from the Four there were a couple other heroes among the crowd of the other guests.

  Daredevil, aka Matt Murdock. At day, matt is a lawyer, but by night he busts drug deals, gang wars, muggings and other things as Daredevil. I have worked alongside him a couple times.

Last of the Heroes here was almost a surprise to me. standing in the back almost like he was trying to stay out of sight was Frank Castle, Aka The Punisher. Frank wore a black trench coat, often hiding guns under it. he also wore a black bullet proof vest witch had his signature skull painted on it. 

Everyone must be worried about tonight if they need back up. As people stopped coming up to the roof and the roof became full, Reed stepped up onto the stage in front of his covered invention and started to speak into a microphone.

"Greetings to everyone and thank you for coming. we are ready to start now. It has become clear to us that Recent attacks from venom have started to become an issue. They have become a lot more frequent, So with the request from shield, we have created a solution to these attacks."

Reed pulled the curtain off of this presentation. it was a shiny looking laser of some kind. "Through research of past events we learned that symbiotes are weak to fire and sound. this machine will be the stop to these violent attacks." 

Reed flipped a switch on the laser and the barrel started to spin. "once this machine starts up it fires sound waves at the target" Reed switched the laser off. "All we need to do is locate venom and use this machine on him."

The crowd gave light claps. everyone in the room looked relieved that the venom issue was going to be solved. If only this feeling could have lasted.  things got silent for a couple seconds as two tendrils shot up from the side of the building and grabbed the laser. 

The laser was lifted and ripped in half as Venom jumped up onto the roof letting out a loud roar. the crowd started to panic and head for the door as the other heroes started to engage on venom.

Mr.fantastic whipped his arms around as they stretched out, Venom grabbed Reeds arms and threw him off the building. Johnny quickly ran to the side of the building and said "Flame on!" as he jumped off. 

he burst into flames and started to fly after reed. DareDevil and Sue both engaged Venom at the same time. DareDevil started to swing his billiclub at venom who grabbed it and ripped it away from DareDevil and grabbed him by the neck.

Venom got kicked in the jaw by a seemingly unseen force before Sue turned visible. her kick knocked DareDevil out of Venoms grasp. Venom kicked DareDevil as he was on the ground sending him flying off the building.  

I leaped off the building and grabbed daredevil before he hit the ground. his suit was ripped and he looked like he was on the verge of passing out. "stay here!" I laid him down on a small roof top and made my way back to the roof. 

Once I got back up to the roof, Sue was passed out and the punisher was pointing two pistols at venom. "Time to die monster!" Frank began to let the bullets fly. every bullet that hit Venom dinked off of him and fell onto the ground. Venom chuckled "Keep trying

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