Chapter 14:Mary Jane

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                                                                           BACK TO PRESENT DAY

And that brings us up to date. I searched for MJ, found her, then lost her again. Only thoughts about her filled my head as the tendrils pulled me back and MJ left on the shield hover ship. I managed to tear through the tendrils and get a good look at her, or at least what she had become.

My attacker was none other than...Cat..She had become infected with her own symbiote. She knocked me down to the ground as she turned and made her escape into the city. I quickly got to my feet and started to chase after her.

I couldn't lose Cat. I was going to remove that...thing from her. Venom was going to pay deeply for this. Cat made her way to a building top. I landed across from her as I got a better look at her in the light.

Her skin was mainly black with her symbiote aside from her neck and the upper part of her chest which was white. she didn't have any eyes, her mouth was a shiny row of sharp teeth. she had a bunch of tendrils on the top of her head where her hair would be.

"There you are my love"

"Cat! You need to fight this thing!"

"I've missed you..."

"Cat listen! you need to-"

Cat leaped towards me and knocked me to the ground. She took a slash at my head but I managed to roll out of the way and get back on my feet. "Cat you need to snap out of this! don't make me hurt you!"

Cat let out a growl before screaming at such a high pitch it hurt my symbiote. It seemed to have hurt hers as well, but it was like she was just ignoring the pain entirely. Cat leaped onto me while I was stunned and pinned me to the ground and started to take slashes at me. 

Cat opened her mouth to take a bite into my neck. I grabbed her top and bottom jaw holding her back. I felt so restrained, I didn't want to hurt her, but I can't stop here. I kneed her in the stomach and threw her back. "Don't make me do this Cat!"  

Cat grabbed onto me with one of her hair tendrils and slammed me into the ground a couple of times before letting go and throwing me off the building. I managed to web zip myself back to her. If I was going to save her, I'm going to have to do this carefully. Restrain her and take her suit away.

Cat let out a small laugh as other symbiotes crawled up the side of the building and all stood around her. "take him! snap him into pieces!"     The other symbiotes all rushed towards me. I started to fight them off one by one. Throwing some off the side of the building while smashing others into the concrete of the roof top.

While I was focused on the others, Cat wrapped her tendrils around my arms and pushed me to the ground, leaping on top of me. I had no way of holding her back this time. She opened her mouth, ready to take a bite out of my neck.

Suddenly, Cat was shot off of me. I stood up and looked to the side of the building. A shield hover ship was hovering next to the roof top. On top of the ship was MJ holding a shotgun.

"MJ? You came back?"

"Shut up and stay focused! We'll talk about this later!" 

Marry Jane hopped onto the roof top and started to shoot the other symbiotes. "I'll take care of the grunts! just focus on Cat!"

I felt stronger than ever, having MJ here made me feel hope again. Cat attempted her tendril grab again, I grabbed her tendril and pulled her to me, grabbing her by her throat, trying to absorb her suit.

She bit my hand and shoved me back. She made a jolt for MJ, I used both tendrils to grab her by the shoulders and started to pull her back. "NO! STOP THIS CAT!" MJ hopped back onto the top of the hover ship to get better shots without risking it.

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