Chapter 6: Sparks

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The sun started to set as I made my way down to this quarantine zone. Civilians were in a caged area with shield soldiers outside keeping guard. The soldiers wore blue power armour with the shield logo on their chest. They each had these helmets with lights on the side of them. 

I could hear the people in the caged zone panicking.

"Let us out were not infected!"

"No one sick here!"

"Please let us go!!"

I landed down next to the soldiers.

"What are you doing!? You can't just heard people like sheep!"

"We have orders to detain anyone we come into contact with!"

Someone walked up behind me.

"Spider-man, You are under arrest"

I turned around. "Blackwidow? Me? What did I do?"

Blackwidow had red hair and a Russian accent. she wore a black leather suit with golden braces on her wrists and the widow symbol on her chest in a shiny red.

"Spider-man. You are wanted f-"

Just then, The lamp posts started to glow really bright as an explosion from all of them created a bright orb in the middle of the street witch formed into Electro. Max was back to his villain side. Electro wore a green suit with yellow thunder bolt detail on it. his mask was yellow and had metallic thunder bolts on it.

 This just keeps getting better and better. Electro turned in our direction and started to scream.

"W-Where is she!? Where did you take her!?" 

Electro knocked everyone back as he turned and started to run blasting cars and windows as he went. "Hang tight Widow!" I leaped after Electro trying my best to keep up. He was pretty fast always making him a pain in the ass to keep up with.

"S-Shes not here... Where d-did you take her??"

"Electro stop! We can talk this out!"

"S-Stop following me!! You don't understand!! S-She never did anything bad in her life.."

"Who are you yelling about!?"

Electro stopped and shot an electrical beam at two cars and threw them at me. "Just stay away!!"

I flipped through both of the cars as they came at me and made a smooth landing onto the ground. I looked up and saw Electro starting to climb a building.

"Electro come on!"

"L-L-Leave m-me alone! I-I'll hurt you man!"

"Why don't you just stop and I'll help find whoever it is your yelling about!"

"You harm o-one hair on her head and I'll make you pay I swear!!!"

"Come on why won't you just give up"

"Leave me alone....They took her to get to me! YOUR PART OF IT!!"

"Who took who!? your not making any sense!"

"Shield...They took everyone in the building! They took Melissa!"

"Electro, You've got to understand!"

"I understand everything! I did my time but that wasn't enough!"

This was starting get annoying. There are more people in this damn city then him, yet he sees this as a personal attack. I could feel the urge again. The black suit was calling me, but at the same time another urge came to resist. I don't know how long I can off the urges before I give into one of them for good.

Spider-man Web of Shadows:Fatal darknessWhere stories live. Discover now