Shirley Temples and Martinis|Ch. 11

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Chapter 11

(Eponine Portier)


"Want a drink?"

"Sure." I grabbed the drink and swirled it around.

"There's no diet coke this time right?"

"Don't be like that, of course there's no diet coke." I rolled my eyes then sipped it. Not bad, I thought, definitely no diet coke in there. Elias grinned and asked me,

"How was it?" I gave him a thumbs up and tiredly lifted myself from the lounge chair. Eli has set up a booth for people to try his drinks for free, sponsored by Mr. D himself. As a Son of Dionysus, he is obliged to spread his jolly gift of drink making. From cocktails to kool aid, you name it. He makes the simplest drinks into a delectable delight. Kinda ironic that he isn't of legal drinking age yet, even if he makes a hell of a banger cocktail, mainly martinis. How did I know? Instinct. I definitely did not try his cocktails.

Either way, I was assisting him with his endeavours, trying out new recipes and helping him with his orders. By doing all of that, I get to A.) Hang out with him more, and B.) Get free drinks. Ares kids are not known to sit around and sip drinks but I'm rather feeling like it this particular week. Sometimes, fighting can get tiring and you just need a break. As kiddos lined up to get their share, I asked them what they wanted and relayed it back to my talented partner.

"Uhhhh, I would like....uhhhhh.... A Shirley temple please." I nodded and wrote it on a post-it note.

"Anymore?" I yelled out and a couple of others started yelling out their order. I wrote it all down and slapped it on to his mini corkboard of orders. As orders are being completed, I served them out to the campers who are waiting for their drinks. This went on for about 30 minutes until people started dwindling out.

Eli prepared one final drink before cleaning and called out to me.

"I think that should be all for today, would you care to accompany me for the last drink, milady?" Eli stretched his hand out, bowing down slightly. I chuckled and took his hand.

"As long as it's not diet coke, of course." And we sat in the grassy hills of Camp Half Blood, sipping on a refreshing drink as we watched the sun dusk over a fine summer day.


Another chapter woohoo! I wrote this one purely by myself. Though a shorter one, I think it's quite nice. Yet again, I'm so glad to come back to this fic with better writing this time, though it might not show. Thank you for all of the support, give us a vote, and hope you had a fun time reading this chapter! 

Btw the next chapter is already written so if y'all interested, do tell :))

-Hecate, out!

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