Arrival at CHB|Ch. 6

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    "Are you alright, you look dreadfully pale" I asked as aunt May put down the phone.

    "It was your mother, tomorrow I will take you to the camp."

Camp? I don't understand, I have school? I expressed my concern.

     "I don't understand either but I will drop you off after you finish school tomorrow" She answered.

     Aunt May is a cardiologist and close friend of my mom. I had been staying with her for the last month because there was an emergency and mom had to fly to Japan. The camp must have been important because May was always working and usually didn't let me skip school.

     As I left to pack, I heard May said she had never heard mom sound that worried.


    "Ms Parker, I must say we are saddened that you are leaving for this semester. I hope your grandmother gets well soon and wishes you safe travels to Japan," The headmaster said as he handed me a thick stack of workbooks, "We wish you will continue studying medicine here."

    Mom said to give the cover story of me going with her to Japan. I am not quite sure why but no one was to know I was going to camp.

    After I said goodbye to my friends, aunt May picked me up and we left for Long Island. We lived in Boston so it took about 4 hours.

    "The people at camp will explain, I truthfully don't understand why you will have to go either, Naomi never told me why," She said

    "Well that makes me feel so much better," I said sarcastically.

    "I'm to drop you off here," May said, stopping at the foot of a hill, "Have fun!"

    "Thank you for letting me stay with you aunt May, and for driving me here."

    "No problem at all Zoe, if you need any help feel free to call me," she pulled me in for a hug.


    As I neared the top of the hill I saw large strawberry fields and a farm house. I blinked and saw a blue house and a lava wall?!

I shrieked as I saw the dragon, it just stared at me and fell back asleep.

    "Don't worry Pelues is friendly,"A boy who looked about 15 said. I was going to reply but a centaur trotted over. Was I going crazy seeing things?

    "Welcome to Camp Half Blood, I am Chiron the activities director," He said

He then explained to me the Greek gods were real, I was a demigod, half mortal half god. Camp Half Blood was a safe place for demigods, for Greek monsters will try to kill us?

    "Conner can you show Zoe to your cabin, she will hopefully get claimed soon," Chiron gestured to him.

    As we were walking to the Hermes cabin I asked what the claiming meant. Conner said that your godly parent will claim you and you will move to their cabin where your half siblings also live.

    "David can you show Zoe around?"

    David looked slightly depressed. I hope he is doing alright. David said something about how he always had to show the newbies around.

    At lunch I sat at table 11. Everyone suddenly looked at me, was it because my wallet was missing again?

    "All hail Zoe Parker daughter of Apollo," Chiron announced.


    Will Solace, my cabin counselor, showed me to the armory. He said I would have to try a few before finding the perfect weapon.

    Since Apollo was the god of archery, I tried the bow I had a pretty good aim.

    "I can do it but it feels slightly wrong," I told Will.

    Even after trying many different types of bows and arrows the feeling still remained.

    "Try this they also need aim to use properly," Will handed me a pair of throwing knives. They were the perfect balance for weight and size. I threw it hitting the target.

    "Great! Let's go to the infirmary next."

    On the way to the exit I saw an interesting looking handle. I pulled out a handgun.

    "The daggers are made of imperial gold, that and celestial bronze are the two metals that can harm monsters and can't harm mortals," Will was saying.

    "How about this?" I asked, showing him the gun.

    "Celestial bronze guns are quite rare," he said looking surprised, "Because bullets are a waste of godly metal."

    He said I could also keep it because it didn't hurt to have 2 different types of weapons.

    "The infirmary is where I spend most of my time, since we inherit some of dad's healing powers."

    "At school I'm learning medicine, do you mind if I try to help here?"

    "Not at all, here's your camp t-shirt. I will continue answering your questions but I have to go," I watched as he walked into the Hades cabin.


Authors note

Heyoo its Selene here. I wrote this chapter and hope you liked it. Sorry that's it's a bit longer than the others. Hecate has not been able to draw so this chap and ch 5 have no drawings. If you enjoy it please feel free to comment and vote. Thanks!

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