The Weirdest Day In My Life|Ch. 8

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    I was on my way to the music room when someone screamed,"RABID DOG, RUNNNNNN!"

    I jumped and looked around. It was after school and I was pretty tired of school pranks and stuff, I was about to tell the person who screamed to be quiet, when I saw a gigantic, black dog with glowing red eyes crashing through the crowd.

    I leapt out of the way and ran out of the school, I didn't care about going to the music room now, I just wanted to go home, chill, and forget about that creepy dog. There was a crash and some more screaming, I looked around again and froze, turns out the dog was following me out of the school. As I went into a full sprint, I weighed my options: I could go home, but that would put my mom into the midst of panic, or I could run away and everyone would be safe.

    First things first, Mia, I scolded myself. First, I needed to lose that dog. I looked back again to check if it was still following me, and sure enough, it was. I ran past a hot dog stand and the dog stopped for a while to sniff at it, but then continued its chase.

    The panic was starting to get to me, why was I being targeted? Did I have something on me that it wants? No, I wasn't carrying any food or anything that smells like one. I considered giving it chocolate so it could die, but I didn't have any, dam it. I was turning corners at random, and I will soon get lost, I didn't know where I'm even going. It was like there was a homing beacon or a compass leading me on.

    I ran until I smelled the ocean, I realized I was at Long Island Sound, where my mom sometimes went to play at parties, my mom was a professional musician who kept a low profile. I was also skilled at music, and could play a variety of instruments.

    Coming out of my train of thoughts, I looked back again to see if the dog was still there. It was, but was slowing down like it was hesitant to come after me, not because it was tired. But I was not taking any chances, I ran ahead, not sure why or where I was going to go after I got to the shoreline. At that moment, an arrow streaked past me, so fast I had to stop and consider what just happened. There was a howl behind me and I looked back, the arrow was embedded into the dog's throat, and it was slowly melting into the shadows.

    I stood there, panting, not sure what to do now. I was about to turn about and go home when a voice called, "Hey, you okay there?" I looked up the hill where the voice had come from, the old strawberry farm that always seemed to be abandoned. And that was the day I found camp half-blood.


Hi, this is Hebe, probably the least active here. Thank you for reading the fanfic and paying attention to it. I only wrote two chapters so far and don't write much, but thankfully they still let me join their fanfic. Have fun reading. 

-Random Minor Gods

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