Chapter Fifty Six

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Silvano's warehouse was forty-nine minutes from the villa and we had spent the last fourteen minutes surveying from a nearby roof. Every minute that went by was another minute that Charlotte was hurting and I had about all I could take of that.

"It looks like the north door is the main point of entry." Marco splayed out another one of his maps, this one detailing the inside of the warehouse we were watching. I didn't know where he got this shit, but it was why he was so good at what he did. He was a tech genius and had pretty much single-handedly led us here. "These two are blocked off with machinery, and the west door is only accessible through a series of hallways. If we set up here, we should be able to block the only exit and force their hand.

"Slow down just a second." Angelo held his hand up. "We can't just go charging in there. I think we need to scout this out a little more. Or wait for Gabe's guys to get here."

"And I think we need to get in there as fast as we can and get Charlotte out." I hissed. "I'm done waiting. All I've done is wait since she was taken."

"You want to go in there guns blazing without any kind of plan? Be my guest. But don't be upset when Charlotte winds up hurt, or worse, because we went in there without any strategy and got our asses handed to us." My first instinct was fury that Angelo was questioning me and hindering things, but this was what he was good at. As much as I hated to admit it, he kept me grounded and stopped me from making some really rash decisions. He was right. It would be a bloodbath if we weren't careful.

"What's your plan, then?" I growled.

Angelo pointed to the west door. "Someone goes in through here. Scout out what we're dealing with, see if we can locate Charlotte. If we know where she is, it'll be easier to navigate once we're all inside."

"I'll go." I said immediately, strapping a gun to my leg and shoving another in the waistband of my jeans. If things went south and they caught me, they'd find the one on my waist first, giving me time to pull the other.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Carlo asked, treading carefully as I glared at him. "I'm just saying Marco knows the place backwards and forwards. He'll be more efficient inside."

"How hard is it to follow a bunch of goddamn hallways, Carlo? Do you think I'm an idiot?" I continued to prepare myself. I threw my jacket off and onto the floor of the truck, wanting to be able to move as stealthy as possible once I got inside.

Carlo shook his head. They were all worried about me doing this, but they didn't need to be. I had my head on straight and the only thing I was focused on was a successful job. I would run it the same way I would any of our other missions where one of ours was inside. It may have taken some time, but I could separate this from Charlotte now if it meant getting her to safety. I was much more valuable to her in my normal state as fearless Don than I would be if I pranced around this worried to make a wrong move.

"You'll need to be careful here." Angelo pointed out, resolving himself to the fact that I was going in with or without their permission. "This hallway leads to a bunch of rooms where she may be, but if you take the wrong turn, you'll end right in the middle of the great room and you'll definitely attract some attention then."

"We'll create a diversion on this side of the building." Marco said. "They know we're coming, so Silvano will probably send most, if not all, of his men towards the disturbance. Once he does, that will give you a small amount of time to find her. Ideally, you can get to her and get her out before they even know you're inside. We'll set up out here to snipe any of his men that come out."

Angelo handed me a wristband. "Once you find her, if you need us, push this button and it will immediately send us your location and we should be able to get there in a minute or two."

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