Chapter Thirty Three

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When I opened my eyes, Charlotte was sound asleep on my chest, her tangled hair dancing with each breath I took, tickling my nose and face.

The sensation was about to make me sneeze, but I couldn't bear the thought of disturbing her. I felt more content than I had in years and for the first time since she'd been here, she was sleeping peacefully.

Everything about this moment was perfect, and I wanted to soak every bit in. To memorize the sleep indentations on her rosy cheeks, the way her manicured fingers intertwined with mine, her right leg draped over my body and her left peeking out from the covers just a bit. Most importantly, my ring sitting on her left hand.

"Ah, Choo!" Damn it.

My sneeze caused her to stir, lifting her head up and looking at me with her sleepy eyes. An angelic smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning." She echoed, tilting her face toward me. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"Don't look at me like that." I smirked. "You're my wife. I get to do things like that."

Charlotte rolled her eyes dramatically. "Pretend wife."

"I wish you'd stop using that word." I chuckled.

"But it's th—" She started to protest, but I cut her off with a rough kiss.

Our bedroom door burst open, and Layla appeared. "Good morning!" She announced, barging right in.

I jerked away from Charlotte as if I'd been shot, as she tried to cover up her naked body.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Charlotte tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary, ignoring the intense blush on her cheeks.

"You know, Angel, you're supposed to knock if the door is closed. It's called privacy." I arched my eyebrow at Layla as she scrunched her nose up, looking at me like I was speaking a different language.

"Mommy, can we make Christmas cookies with grandma Carmen?" Layla climbed up and perched herself on the bottom of our bed. Charlotte clung tightly to the sheets, keeping them over her body.

"Uh, sure, sweetie." Charlotte said, trying to sound excited. Her introduction to my mother hadn't been the warmest, but I was hoping I could iron that out today.

Layla eyed Charlotte suspiciously. "Mama, are you wearing clothes?"

I bit my lip to stifle my laughter. Perceptive little thing, she was. Having learned my lesson the hard way, I was going to keep quiet on this one and defer to her.

"Of course I am, sweetie." Charlotte propped herself up carefully. "Why don't you go pick out what you want to wear today and then we can..."

"Did you and daddy get laid?" She interrupted in the most innocent voice possible. Charlotte's hand shot up and covered her mouth.

"What... what did you just say?" I stuttered, in shock that those words came out of my baby girl's mouth. "Actually, don't repeat it." I held my hand up to stop her. "Where did you hear that?"

"Uncle Carlo said that my mommy and daddy needed to get laid and then they would love each other again." She announced proudly.

"Uncle Carlo needs to learn to mind his own business." I grumbled. That motherfucker.

"Layla, those are grown-up words, okay? Uncle Carlo shouldn't have said that." Charlotte narrowed her eyes at me, letting me know she was expecting me to deal with this.

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