Chapter Forty

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It had been a hard sell to get Layla out of the house today. First, she was insistent on seeing her mother no matter how many times I explained she was sick, and then she begged to help her grandmas cook. She cried and screamed until Angelo finally agreed to come with us. I wasn't proud of it, but it took some serious bribery to get her to leave, and that was how Angelo and I ended up in a build-a-bear workshop on Christmas Eve with five hundred other parents and their screaming children.

"I thought people only did this kind of shit in the movies." I groaned quietly, as we watched Layla pick out a heart to put inside of her bear. This entire thing was a scam, and if I hadn't already promised my daughter she could do it, I'd never spend money on it.

"Maybe they're on to something here." Angelo chuckled. "We could hide some serious shit in those things. No one would be the wiser. Who is going to think a child carrying a stuffed elephant is smuggling shit?"

I smacked his shoulder, staring at him dumbfound. "Would you shut up? You can't say that kind of shit in a children's store. We're not using my daughter's stuffed animal to smuggle things!"

"I didn't specify Layla's elephant." Angelo joked, holding his hands in the air. "I'm just saying..."

"Yeah, well, don't." I shook my head. "You're gonna get us arrested."

"Don't act like you don't see the potential here." Angelo chided, egging me on.

Angelo and I followed her around the store for the better part of an hour, watching as she finished up her elephant. I told her she could choose one outfit for the elephant, but she wanted five, so we compromised and I bought her three and Angelo bought her two. Layla was a master negotiator and both of us were powerless against her. I'd never mention it to Char, but that skill would serve her well in the Mafia.

After the store, we took her to the park for a while. I sat on a park bench nearby, watching as Angelo pushed her high on the swing as she clutched the elephant. Her little giggle brought me to my knees, and the smile that matched her mother's was even better. I was living in an absolute dream, and I hoped to God I'd never have to be without them again.

I could feel the smile spreading on my face as she dissolved into laughter while Angelo tickled her on the swing. He was just as mesmerized by her as I was. I never even imagined having a daughter. The few times I thought about having a child, it was always a son. A tiny little human that looked exactly like me that would rough house and watch sports and wreak havoc on everything in his path, raising absolute hell and driving his mother insane. And someday, I'd teach him everything I knew, handing the organization off to him.

I sure never imagined having a beautiful little girl who was spunky and sassy and wild, and just like her mother in every imaginable way. She challenged me in ways I never even thought possible and made me want to be better every single day. It was like she'd become my purpose for living—her and her mother. I couldn't imagine what my life was like before I knew about Layla, even though it was only a few months ago.

"Daddy, can we go see momma now?" Layla stuck her bottom lip out as she ran towards me, Angelo close at her heals.

I picked her up and set her on my lap. "Sure, angel. But mommy isn't feeling well so you have to be quiet when we get home. If she's resting, we are going to play outside, okay?"

She nodded happily and took off for the car.

"Damn, she's got a lot of energy." Angelo smirked, wiping sweat off of his forehead. "How's it going with Charlotte, anyway? Have you thought anymore about seeing someone?"

I snorted, arching my eyebrow. "Why do I need a therapist if I've got you?" I was only halfway kidding. Angelo always had an ability to talk me off the cliff, better than anyone else ever could. He was like the right side of my brain—I couldn't make the left function without him.

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