Day 1

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Monday morning
Wake the fuck up Mesie: Jay said.. Shut the fuck up Jay..i said
We gotta go to school unless u wanna skip it doesn't matter to me i don't mind.. Jay said.. No i don't wanna skip the first day dumbass. Ill be ready in 30 mins now get the fuck out my room and let me get ready. Jay left my room.. After i got out the shower i flat iron my hair and wore high waisted shorts and they were bleached at the ends and a crop top that shows my bell ring. i put on my black toms and i was ready to go. When i got down stairs i saw Jay eating an apple.. Ready? I asked him and he said yea.
Couple of minutes later we were at Pen High School and as Jay pulled in the parking spot. Everyone heads turned as we stepped out the car and making a our way to the front office. When we reached the front office the lady was staring at us HARD like DAMN BITCH am i that cute... Jay said u like what you see and the lady came out of her daydream... Hi i am Ms. Gomez you must be Jay and Me...sie she said.. Umm you can call me Mesie with the letters all together thanks.. But we are here for our class schedules. Jay was only a year ahead of me and he is in 11th grade and I'm in 10th grade.. When she gave us our papers we left and searched for our lockers. While i was on the way to the locker i saw this REALLY cute boy and he was walking my way and i thought he was going to talk to me but as soon as he walked past me i thought DAMN why cant he be walking my way..
My classes were
1st period . Math
2nd period. World history
3rd period. Personal finance
4th period. Health & Gym
After i put my stuff in my locker i was headed to Math is my LAST favorite subject.. i was walking into Math and the class was separated from the nerds and the bad boys and girls and in the middle there were the kids who wanna be popular i didn't know where to sit so i asked the teacher and she said she was going to put me in an empty desk next to this boy named Hector as i was walking to the desk she told me to sit and these girls was in the way of my desk and they looked and asked me the dumbest shit ever. This one girl asked if my brother was single.. I said i don't know and how u know my brother?? She said well i saw him walking beside you and said that can not be his girlfriend... So u gonna answer my question... I said i dot know ask him.. she wrote something on a piece of paper and told me to give it to him. I said OKAY 😕😕 As i made my way to my seat i was curious so i opened the paper and it had a name and a number.... I looked up and Brittney was looking at me with a huge smile on her face... The first bell rung telling us we had 10 minutes left in class we were doing quadratic equations and some diamond equations. when the bell rung i put my stuff in my bag and Brittney walked up to me and said "dont forget to give him the paper" i was lost and then I realized what she was talking about.. As i was walking down the hallway i bumped into someone and knocked all my stuff out.. SHIT WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU GOING. When i looked up it was that cute boy from earlier and said something I never thought i would say. Well nigga if u watched where u were going then this shit wouldn't of never happened. The boy said what ever bitch.. And him and his crew walked passed and might i add they were QUITE cute to..... As i was picking all my stuff up off the floor this girl came and helped me.. she said her name was Brianna but u can call her Bri.. she looked like a popular kid but she was to nice to helped me pick my stuff up..... She said stay away from Ethen as must as much as possible... In my head i said that that god was named Ethen. The late bell rung and i was late for 2nd period.... When i finally found the class i was 10 minutes late. As i was opening the door everyones head was turns and stare at me like i was a mobile Starbucks.. The teacher told me to take a seat as soon as i was walking to the seat that was empty the door opened and it was Ethen and all thegirls stared at him like he was the sexiest person alive i mean don't doubt me he is cute but he got a BIG ASS EGO. As i was thinking i felt someone tapping my shoulder and i looked it was Ethen telling me to move cause this was his seat. I got up and moved to the next desk and stared fall asleep.. Next thing i know i got detention...
Next period personal finance i was up and ready to go i walked in and asked the teacher if there were some empty desk cause i didn't want to get yelled at. As the late bell wrong everyone came at once. I was good the first few 40 minutes and then it was lunch me and Jay had the same lunch as i was walking towards him i felt like someone was behind me so i turned around and saw Brittney and her click. Ummm do you want anything i asked.. Brittney said no i was just walking to your brother. And ask him did he get a paper from you.. I said not yet i will be giving him the paper now i told her.. When i saw Jay i also say Ethen with him with his crew the sexy gods. I was walking to Jay and Ethen cut infront of me and said nobody wants to talk to you. I looked at Jay and he said aye E thats my lil sister you talking to so could you like back the fuck up. Jay was walking to me when i gave him Brittneys paper and she looked up and spotted her and winked and she decided to walk over to us. Well i mean Jay. Brittney said so i see u got my paper i hope u use it and with that she walked off.. I looked at Jay and he looked at me and we were trying to hold the laugh but i couldn't i busted out laughing and Jay was like who the fuck would want to have sex with that octopus..
After that 4th period went by really fast all we did was run and have free time and then the final bell rung and o was suppose to meet Jay at his car but i forgot i had detention. I texted him and said:
Mesie: i have detention so pick me up in a hour
Jay: when did ms goody get detention
Mesie: since she fell asleep in class
Then he said he was going to the mall and come back and pick me up.

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