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The car slammed to an immediate stop, breaks squealing, smoke filling their senses as they parked in the graveyard. Birdie jumped out the car, keys still in the exhaust, yells from the others fueling her as she ran. She ran up the hill, finding them at his grave, arms wrapped around Max, holding her tightly.

She fell to her knees in front of them, hands reaching out and grabbing Max, pulling her into a tight embrace. They cried together, clinging on to one another like their lives depended on it. And in this moment, it depended on it. The boys reluctantly left them, staying close by as they filled Nancy and Robin in on what had happened.

"I'm so sorry, Max." Birdie stroked her hand through Max's red hair, tucking her chin on her head. "I'm so sorry. I should've been there. I should've protected you better. I've failed you."

"I don't blame you." Max sobbed into her shirt. "I have never blamed you for leaving. You are mourning. You knew him better than I ever did and you introduced this loving side of him to me."

"He did love you." She finally opened her eyes, turning slowly to look at the grave looming over them. "He just had some issues he didn't know how to deal with. His father was an asshole and he tried so hard to be the son his dad wanted. But he loves you, Max. You're his sister. So please, stop blaming yourself. And I'll stop blaming myself."

"Emotional blackmail." Max chuckled sadly. "Nice one."

They stayed there until the sun slowly slipped behind the horizon, red and purple bleeding into the sky. Finally, Max let go first. She looked at her brother's grave before nodding to Birdie, silently telling her she needed to speak with Billy. She needed to finally make the first step in moving on fully.

Her fingers traced the intricate carvings on the gravestone, mind slipping back to the last time she had stepped foot in the graveyard.

"It should have been me." She choked on a sob, voice barely louder than a whisper but he heard her. His heart broke as he watched his younger sister mourn for her past lover, the tears falling freely down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Billy. I should've known sooner, I could have protected you better. I failed you and now I'm failing Max. I don't know what to do. Please, I just need you. I- I feel like I've betrayed you. I've found someone. You would definitely bully him but he treats me like me, not some heartbroken little girl. I really like him, Billy. I like him and it's hurting me because I feel like my heart is moving on and I don't think I'm ready to let you go. I love you so much. I just want what we had back. I want what I have now too. I can hear you laughing down at me."

"Birdie." Steve grabbed his sister's arm, halting her from running away. "We need to talk about this."

"No we don't, Steve." She argued back, shrugging off his hold. Her eyes became glossy as she looked up at him, meeting his concerned gaze. "Please. We don't need to talk."

"You ran away." His voice boomed, arms crossing his chest as she tried to walk away, her entire facade crumbling as she kept her back to him. "You were so upset over his death that you ran to the other side of the country. And now you're back acting like he never existed, like he didn't break you. You might try to be moving on but you loved him. You loved him so much you were prepared to die for him. And now, Eddie?"

"You should have let me die." Birdie's voice broke as she spoke the words Steve wished he would never have to hear. "But with Eddie, I feel alive again. He brings out that innocent, carefree side of me I thought I had lost. It's difficult to explain because I don't have the words for it."

"You never talk to me anymore." He sighed, arms falling to his side in defeat. His voice low, scared to chase her away as she finally broke down her walls, baring him her vulnerability. "I just, I want you to know I'm here. I'm worried about you. This has happened once before."

"And I told you once that I can't do this again." She turned to glance over her shoulder, her teary eyes breaking his heart as she smiled through the pain. "This time I won't let you hold me back. Even if it means I won't make it back this time."

"Birdie." Robin called out to the girl, waving enthusiastically. Bernadette wiped away her tears, placing a fake smile on her lips as she walked towards her friend. "Are you okay?"

"Never better." Birdie wrapped her arms around the girl, dragging her into Nancy's car and away from her brother. "I need a nap. Like a proper old grandma nap."

"Of course." Robin sat in the back with Birdie, keeping her hand in hers. She was scared of leaving Birdie alone in her thoughts, unintentionally overhearing what she said to Billy. She knew that Birdie needed her now more than anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2024 ⏰

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