Meet the Dragon.

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Ok. First time writing a Bad Guys story. Keep in mind that I hadn't seen the movie by the time I'm writing this. So this will be taking place during some parts of the movie before we get to the main plot.

Even though I haven't seen, I know about some of the things that have happened in it.


The scene opens up on a sketchy bar under a night sky with a full moon just on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona.

Inside this bar, motorcycle gangs, thugs, drug dealers, and all sorts of unsavory types of people reside here. They come here either to cool off, let loose, or strike up a deal for drugs, and prostitution.

This is also a place where lower class villains do business for their higher ranking bosses.

It's also worth mentioning that the patrons are both humans, and animals.

While everyone inside was doing their usual business, they're blissfully unaware of the danger that's coming.

Outside, headlights of a vehicle was rapidly approaching, and slowed to a stop once they parked out front.

The moonlight revealed the vehicle to be a six wheeled blue colored gladiator jeep.

A large male figure stepped out of the jeep, and shut the driver's side door.

The driver of the vehicle is tall, muscular, and wearing all black with a hoodie to cover his head. Despite this however, it's very clear that the man isn't human. Human-like, yes, but it's clear that it's an anthropomorphic animal. The hoodie hid half the figure's face, but his exposed reptilian snout, and long tail show that he's clearly some kind of lizard.

As the lizard man approached the bar, which is called 'The Dirty Dusk Duster' in bright neon red lights, he sees that the entrance is guarded by two bouncers in black suits, black cowboy hats, and black bandannas covering their faces.

As soon as the lizard approached the entrance, the two bouncers blocked their path.

"ID, or VIP access please." One of the bouncers asked.

Not really asking. More like politely demanding.

Without saying a word, the lizard pulls out a red plastic card from his pocket, and hands it to the bouncer that asked.

Both bouncer's looked at the red card, seeing that it's blank, or so it seemed. One of the bouncer's pulled out a black light flashlight, and shined it on the card, which displayed the hidden lettering.

It said 'Duster VIP exclusive.'

So far the card seemed legit to the two bouncers. Then they flipped it over to see the backside of the card.

The hidden message on the back said 'You woke the dragon.'

That wasn't supposed to say that.

They suddenly realized something, and their eyes widened in shock when they looked back at the lizard.

One of them was then struck in the throat by a crowbar being held in the lizard's tail, and nearly choked. The second one was suddenly struck in the face by a scale covered fist, and sent flying into the door, breaking it as he fell inside.

The lizard then grabbed the bouncer he struck in the throat, and threw him inside bar, knocking over a waitress carrying drinks.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard the commotion.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The waitress exclaimed loudly in anger.

The bouncer tried to explain as he got to his feet.

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