Meet the Bad Guys... in their lair.

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It's been a few hours since, Webs, had her encounter with Drago the Komodo Dragon.

During that time frame, the skies turned red, and there's been some minor quakes occurring. Everyone was beginning to worry, and freak out, saying that it was the end of the world or something.

However, after a few hours, the skies returned to normal, and the quakes ceased

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However, after a few hours, the skies returned to normal, and the quakes ceased. No one knew what was causing all of it, and no one knew what stopped it. All that everyone knew was that they can finally rest easy tonight.

Anyways, despite that odd event, we now cut to the Bad Guys' lair, and we see them watching the news.

"No one seems to know what caused the odd occurrences earlier this late afternoon, and no one seems to know what had caused it all to cease. All that we do know is that we can now rest easy, knowing that it's NOT the end of the world. In other news, a full one-sided bar brawl in a sketchy bar just outside the city of Phoenix, Arizona. We're now live on the scene with reporter, Tiffany Fluffit. Miss Fluffit?" The news Anchor said.

"This is Reporter Tiffany Fluffit, live on the scene, just on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona, and I'm standing outside of a sketchy looking bar know as the Dirty Dusk Duster." Said the news reporter known as Tiffany Fluffit.

"According to an anonymous witness, this all happened the night before, and the brawl was greatly one sided

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"According to an anonymous witness, this all happened the night before, and the brawl was greatly one sided. According to the witness, a Komodo Dragon had entered the bar demanding answers on the whereabouts of whoever he's looking for. The fight occurred when the witness had locked down the bar, and had the shady patrons attack the Komodo. However, none of them walked away unscathed, and the Komodo Dragon had won single handedly! According to the witness, the Komodo taped him to a wooden post outside the bar before he left. Many people within the bar had been identified, and many arrests had been made, as well as hospitalizations due to injuries. The identity of the Komodo Dragon is currently unknown, and could be tied in to various similar assaults that have been traced back all the way to Texas. Each occurrence has left many wanted criminals bruised, battered, and bloody. Any information of the current whereabouts of the Komodo are currently unknown at this time." Tiffany Fluffit reported.

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