Dolphins, and Dragons: Part One.

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After the Bad Guys escaped the entire police force, we now cut to the Komodo Dragon driving down the street in his six wheeled gladiator jeep, and he's listening to music from his phone through the radio. He's not the only one listening, because he has a small passenger with him.

(Play music)

(0:00 - 1:25)

"You tell 'em!
You tell 'em I'm comin'!
And hell's comin' with me!"

"Give me a gun, give me a drink
Pour it on top and get out of the way
You won't lick a stick of dynamite and I'm about to blow you away
Pick yourself up, clean yourself off
Better learn to take a punch if you're gonna talk tough
Here's a shovel and a plot, it's a six foot deep kinda day
You can dig your own damn grave."

"I ain't tryna fight, but I ain't duckin' either
I got fuckin' ether, armed with Desert Eagl
Lost what I love 'cause the world is so evil
So I don't mind shootin' slugs at you fuckin' people
Got a six shooter, like I was back in tombstone
And I ain't gonna die tonight, but you're gonna have a funeral
Dressed in all black, flowers on the Cadillac
Biggie said it best, death ain't no comin' back
And Doc Holliday said, "You ain't no daisy"
All these rappers act tough, but no one is crazy
I know real trouble, outlaws like Struggle
Stand up dudes kill you like fuck 'em
Play with the hustle, get cut with the shuffle
Put you in the bag, I ain't talkin' 'bout a duffle
I'm not one to play with, I'll leave you open
Standin' in the middle of the street barrel smokin' like-"

(Pause music)

Drago paused his music as soon as his vehicle began to approach a cafe with a group of cops sitting outside. One of them he recognized as the chief of police.

"Hmm. You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked his passenger.

His passenger agreed with him.

He pulled over next to the sidewalk, and rolled down his window.

"Hey, excuse me?" Drago called out.

As soon as the cops got a good look at him, they immediately became tense, and on guard.

"I'd like to speak to the chief about something." Drago said.

The chief took a sip of her coffee before getting up from her chair to walk over to the passenger window.

"Alright, what do you need, sir?" The Chief asked, acting professional despite her earlier frustration of the Bad Guy's escape.

"Well, I'd like you to confirm something for me. I heard that this professor Marmalade guy is supposed to be attending a special event tomorrow night. Is that true?" Drago asked.

"Oh yeah, practically almost everyone in the city has heard the news. He's supposed to be given the golden dolphin for all of the good he's done." Chief Luggins explains.

"Hmm. I see. So what's this I hear about these 'Bad Guys' pulling off another heist?" Drago asked.

"Oh, don't get me started on them! Just earlier today they robbed a bank, and led an entire high speed chase! Which of course has led to our entire police force ending up in a pile up!" The chief practically seethed in anger.

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