A Dragon in the Dark.

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This chapter is a filler chapter, but it'll show what the big scary brute of a lizard is doing at night before we cut back to Wolf's plan for the heist.

Also by the time I got this chapter out, this story just hit number one for "reptile."


Los Angeles, night time...

The night sky has fallen across the city of Los Angeles, and Wolf is still planning out the next heist for the night after tonight

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The night sky has fallen across the city of Los Angeles, and Wolf is still planning out the next heist for the night after tonight.

The city may seem peaceful without the Bad Guys committing a heist tonight, but I can assure you that it's still just as crime ridden under the cover of darkness.

We now cut to a dark alleyway with a dead end where a group of three thugs wearing ski masks are trying to mug a man, who had unfortunately caught the eyes of the muggers.

"Let's cut to the chase. Anything of value you have on you, hand 'em over. Now!" One of the muggers demanded as he held the innocent man by his jacket against the wall while the other two stood on both sides so the man doesn't escape.

"I-I-I don't have anything on me! I swear!" The man pleaded.

"Bullshit! You got a wallet, don't you?!" The mugger demanded, not believing him.

"Yes, b-but there isn't much in it!" The innocent man said.

"I'll be the judge of that." The mugger said, pulling a gun out of his pocket, and pointed it at the man.

"SOMEBODY HELP, HE'S GOT A GUN!!!" The man cried out in terror.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" The mugger yelled angrily before he pistol whipped the man to the ground.


The muggers stopped what they were doing, their victim still on the ground, and they see something had stuck itself on the wall above them.

"The hell?" The second mugger said in confusion.

"Is that an arrow?" The third mugger asked, just as confused.

Indeed it is an arrow. Which is odd. What's an arrow doing here, and who the heck shot it?

Suddenly, a small canister attached to the arrow activates, and unleashes an incredibly loud roar!


The loud sound from the arrow causes everyone there to cover their ears in pain, and the muggers staggered. The sound stops, and everyone uncovers their ears once they do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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