Chapter 25 + im back!

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The school bell rang signaling the beginning of lunch. The students of Villa Heights Academy flooded the hallways trying to make it in time for Monday's special dessert, whatever it was.

Janna and Tom left their math class in relief as the bell had saved them from having to take a pop quiz. Although the teacher was very overzealous in trying to quiz them, many students sped out the door before it could even happen.

News of what occurred at the party spread like wildfire throughout the halls. Anyone who was there knew already and anyone who wasn't found out immediately.

When Janna went to give Star some noodles, she had attacked her with questions about what happened and if she was ok. Marco just so happened to be there too so she was "oh so lucky" to receive two scoldings. One from Star about how she could've punched Justin on the spot and one from Marco about how she should be getting more rest instead of walking around.

As they walked down the hall to head to their lunch table, Janna could feel eyeballs and hear giggles all around them, more specifically toward her. So could Tom who didn't look fazed at all. Both having been the center of unwanted attention before didn't pay much attention to them and continued on their way.

"Don't worry about them Janna," he stated, trying to cheer her up.

"Oh I'm not worried" She in fact, was worried but wasn't outwardly showing it. "Actually, you should be worried. Aren't your parents going to come across that video?"

He stared off straight ahead but then smiled lightly, "Yeahhhhh...they probably will but you know who cares, anything for you Janna." As he finished his sentence, she peeked at him through her peripheral only to see that Tom was already looking at her.

She quickly redirected her line of sight, almost breaking into a fit of coughing from their less than a second eye contact.

"Pssh y-yeah right, I probably wouldn't do the same."

If it wasn't for the current situation she was in, she would've had a better snarky comeback but she couldn't think of anything besides trying to keep the blood in her cheeks from rising.

"Yeah yeah, you know you love me-"

That comment caught them off guard, both pausing in their steps.

"Oh, uh sorry I-"

"Hey guys," a familiar voice said, breaking them out of their trance. They put their arms around Tom, bringing the attention to them.

"Jackie, hey" Tom said, averting her eyes from Janna to Jackie. Jackie made her way in between them, shoving her backpack into Janna's chest as she did. Not wasting any second, she stood on her toes to plant a quick yet very noticeable kiss on his lips.

Their public display got a few words of praise from others around them, making this encounter completely awkward. After letting go she turned to face Janna, a pitiful look plastered on her face.

"Janna I heard about what happened and I am so sorry I wasn't there for you." She even had the audacity to hug her while purposely digging her nails into Janna.

She looked up to see Tom's gullible smile enjoying their moment. She could only sigh in defeat as she knew Jackie had gotten him wrapped around her finger.

Before letting go, she whispered so that it was only loud enough for the two of them. "Also just letting you know, his kisses are the best. You should try them sometime."

"And what if I already have?" Two could play this game.

With one last squeeze, she let go. She was getting tired of Jackie trying to scare her away. She wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who planned her total humiliation at the party.

Janna left without another word, satisfied that she was able to mess with Jackie for once.

Tom could be heard in the background calling out her name but she just ignored him, not wanting to face them again for the next few hours.


"Janna Banana!"

Janna arrived at their table empty handed where the couple was already sitting. She didn't feel like going to the cafeteria, Jackie having ruined her appetite before she could.

As she settled down, Star brought out a massive blanket from her backpack. She was basically jumping in her seat and that must've been why. "I bought this super cute warnicorn blanket the 4 of us could use when we go visit your dad and-"

Marco held out his hand, interrupting her. "Hold on Star." He looked her way. "Janna, have you told Tom yet?"

Janna wrinkled her nose, inwardly groaning. She was hoping to avoid this conversation ever since they got closer with Tom cause she knew Marco, specifically, would ask her this.

She avoided eye contact, focusing on the crack on her phone screen protector and wondering how it got there.

Wait actually tho, how did it happen?

"Oh...well you knowww. He's pretty busy and I wouldn't want to disturb him with something as small as this."

When she finally whipped up the courage to look at them, she instantly regretted it as Star's usually bubbly face turned to one of complete seriousness. She felt a chill go down her spine.

She had only seen this look on Star twice. One being when she told them for the first time about the whole situation with Justin and the other being this exact conversation for the first time with Star, both occurring last year.

"Why haven't you told him yet? He's one of your best friends, I'm sure he'll make time, especially for you." Star said as she reached out to hold Jannas hand. "You mean so much to him, he would want to be there. Plus I know your dad would like to meet him."

"It's not that I don't want to tell him, I just...don't know how to bring it up without thinking he might say no." There was also another reason, one having to do with Jackie and Tom's parents, but they didn't need to know that.

Marco and Star shared a look.

Marco took out a pair of glasses.

She instantly realized what was about to happen. "Oh no, Diaz you better not-"

He cleared his throat. "Marco Diaz, Ph.D, speaking. Janna Ordonia, I think you have a severe case of "not realizing what's in front of you" syndrome. You fail to realize that there are people in this world who care about you. People like Star and I and people like Tom." They gave her a warm smile which she reciprocated back.

"You've only been roommates for a few months but act like you've known each other all your lives. I know you have a stone heart-"

"Well, when you put it like that-"

" I was saying, you may have a heart of stone, but I can tell it's been thawing out."

"But stone doesn't thaw," she smirked.

"Just. Let. Me. Speak. Janna!" He took a deep breath while the two girls snickered in the back. Fixing his glasses, he continued, "...he's growing on you so won't you let him be a part of this side of your life? Like us?"

"Wow, I wonder what you got in Psych 101."

"An A+ with highest honors"

But Marco was right. Tom has shown more than once that he cared for her. He defended her twice against Justin and helped her when she was sick. And what has she done for him exactly? Nothing. Maybe that's why she was hesitant to tell him, it was just adding one more thing to his list. Was she burdening him with her problems?

She sighed in defeat. "You're right. I'll...think about it."

What's upppp! It is so good to be back, I missed writing and wasn't able to during school but now I can for the summer! If you've been here since the beginning, I've missed y'all so much :))))

But what's up with Janna's dad tho?👀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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