Chapter 9

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The two walked out of the store, Janna with a bag of items and Tom with a smoothie. She was satisfied that the night wasn't a complete bust, at least she got what was wanted and her burning question for Tom was finally answered.

At the risk she took, it wasn't worth it. His answer wouldn't even change a thing. It was like asking someone whether they would jump off a bridge or do it with a friend: they'd still jump.


She took out her phone and checked the time, 10:30pm.

Has it really been that long?

But then again, Tom did have a very lengthy conversation with the manager about being a celebrity and what not. She didn't bother stopping it seeing how she and the manager were friends.

They started walking, Janna leading the way to the school.

"Where to now?" Tom asked her.

"Now, we go back to school. The gate closes in 30 minutes and if I don't get you back in time, I'd have to hear an ear load from Marco which is the last thing I need right now."

He kept on urging. "Come on Janna, just one last thing then I'll stop bothering you."

Stubborn as usual. Can't he take no for an answer?

Janna stopped walking. She turned to face Tom, about to tell him off, when she spotted a deserted shopping cart behind him. She smirked.

Killing two birds with one stone.

"Get that cart and don't ask questions. Let's go," she commanded as she started walking again. Not wasting a second, he scurried to grab it and bring it to her.

"So, what now?"

"Didn't I say don't ask questions?"

"Right right, sorry."

After a few minutes they reached the end of the city before the trees led a trail down to the school. Janna checked to make sure their trail was clear before initiating the next part.

She placed her bag and beanie inside the cart, Tom giving her a questioning look. "Get in."

Not wanting to receive another stern look, he got in...well, struggled to get in, without question. His tall figure had a hard time getting comfortable in the small cart but he made it work.

"Now what?"

"Now...," She got behind and placed her hands on the handle. One foot was on the steel horizontal rod above the wheels and the other was on the ground, about to push off, "...we ride."

She pushed her foot off the ground, letting the momentum do the rest. And with that, they were off.

"Jannaaaa..." His voice of panic fell behind deaf ears as the wind filled up her ears.

"Haha! Woohoo!"


The door creaked open as two laughing teens walked in, trying to steady themselves.

"Oh that was hilarious," Janna said, shaking with laughter. She walked over to the kitchen and placed her fruit in the fridge.

Tom was still holding his stomach, trying to contain his laughter, "I still can't believe I crashed into a tree and somehow didn't get a concussion or something."

At that statement, Janna ceased laughing, the color draining from her face as she thought about what he said.

Dang it Janna!

She felt a presence next to her and dropped out of her thoughts. "Hey, are you okay?" Tom asked with a look of concern.

She shook her head, trying to forget. "Yeah, whatever...I'm going to bed."

She walked over to her room and opened the door before hearing, "Hey Janna, does this mean we're good?"

She thought about it, not really sure how to reply. Instead she shrugged, stuck her finger up and closed the door. She plopped face down on her bed, head throbbing from the night's events.

What am I doing?


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