Chapter 6

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Friday, Sept. 20

The next day went pretty decent for Janna. She didn't see Justin...but then again, it was just lunch time so she didn't get her hopes up.

Plus, it was a explanation needed.

During lunch, she usually sat with Star and Marco at a table behind the school. They weren't really allowed to be outside but no staff ever bothered to check. They really expected highly of the kids there, seeing how they were one of the top in the country. In fact, it took them almost 2 whole months to convince Marco to sit with them.

Considering it was almost autumn, it was a bit windy outside. It didn't matter to them, it was more relaxing than the usual scorching sun.

Janna took out her fruit salad from the cafeteria while listening to one of Star's crazy stories along with Marco staring dreamily at her.

Marco and Janna had been friends since their puberty years in middle school. He was there when she first got her period and she was there when his voice started changing. They were like brother and sister, always there for each other.

That's why when Star came in the picture, she was suspicious of her.

Star came to Villa Heights in 10th grade, moving from a country named Mewni in Europe. They had never heard of Mewni before but Star assured them it was real. Janna didn't trust her at first, already having experience with fake people in her life. Marco on the other hand, was immediately attached.

She rolled her eyes, thinking about that stupid crush of his and how he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Long story short, Star and her become close friends and the two love birds started dating. Janna would never actually say it out loud but she actually really cared for them.

They knew that, of course.

Eating her salad, she couldn't help but smile as Marco wrapped an arm around her. Seeing this made her hopeless romantic heart beam with excitement.

Who needs a book when you have a whole love story in front of you.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a door shutting behind her. She turned around to see Tom walking toward them with a smile on his face. She scrunched her brows.

"Hey, you came!"

"Marcoooo," Janna turned back and glared angrily at him, demanding an explanation.

Marco shrugged, "What? I told him he could sit with us since he's new. Plus, I'm his mentor and you're his roommate so get used to it."

Tom sat himself next to Janna seeing how it was the only spot available.

"Hey thanks for inviting me Marco. Star, Janna." He nodded at them.

Star and Marco replied, Janna did too, different then theirs. "And why aren't you with the "popular" idiots with Wong back inside? Seems like you 'really' hit it off with them."

Tom decided to ignore her tone of words. He shrugged, "I wouldn't want to put up with a fake crowd more than I've already had to do as a model. If y'know what I mean."

Janna knew exactly what he meant but decided not to speak. She focused on how many pieces of cantaloupe she could get on her fork.

"Don't worry about Janna, " Marco told Tom, "Under all this coldness and sarcasm, she's a softie. She'll warm up to you in no time."

Can I strangle a person?

Star jumped into the conversation, "Yeah, just like me!" An idea then popped into her head. "We should go out tonight! The four of us!"

Make that two people.

"Yeah, let's do it."

"Sure! That sounds like fun!"

"I can't, I have homework." Janna tried to think of anything that could get her out of this situation. Everyone faced her.

"Don't worry. We can go after," Star said, excitedly.

"It's a lot. I'll probably be up til midnight."

"Janna, it's the 2nd day of school. Even if I don't have that much homework," Marco stated.

Her mind was going blank trying to think of another excuse.

"Come on, we'll even stop by your favorite store."

That sparked her interest.

How dare they use Fruit Basket against me.

Fruit Basket was Janna's all time favorite store. Not only did they sell fruit of all kinds, they were the only store that had tropical, foreign fruit in literally any meal. Smoothies, salads, desserts, even by itself.

The deal was too good to pass up. Plus, her fruit supply was running low. She considered her choices although the answer was pretty clear.

Pass up the chance to get more Fruit Basket? I can't do that. But urghhh him. I mean, I don't have to talk to him...

Breathing one last sigh, she gave into their temptation.


Everyone cheered.

Happy Labor Day :)

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