Chapter Seven

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"Her favorite song. What is her favorite song?" Eddie said looking at Steve. Steve listed off two or three songs they had listen to together. Dustin was trying to help him narrow it down while Chrissy was looking through the tapes his uncle had. Eddie's head was spinning, to much was going on. He laid Nancy down on the bed and ran towards his room. He grabbed his guitar and headed back into the living room. 

"Every Breath You Take, Police. That's it, she played it all the time." Steve was saying as he walked back into the living room. Chrissy came over and told them she couldn't find the song. Eddie started playing the song on the guitar. He wasn't a singer but he figured music was music. It was a long short but he hard to try something. 

Steve knelt beside Nancy, Chrissy was sitting on the mattress while the rest were looking at him. He played the song but nothing happened but instead of stopping, he started it over. Maybe it was just taking a little longer. The room was so quiet apart from the guitar. Worry was starting to set in his mind when all of a sudden Nancy jumped up into a sitting position. "Nancy, you're back." Steve said pulling her into a hug. "I'm okay." Nancy said after a moment. 

Eddie finally let out the breath he had been holding and took the guitar off, he turned and headed back to his room. They must have taken his uncles mattress because his bed was still together. He sat hung his guitar back up and sat down on the bed. He took his boots off and shook the dirt and rocks out of them. All he wanted to do was sleep, everyone was back but than again there was now a gaping hole in his living room to an upside down version of his house. 

"Are you okay?" He looked up and seen Chrissy standing in the doorway. Her hair was pulled back now, she still had twigs sticking out of it. She still wore his leather jacket and had her jeans folded up so her ankles were exposed showing the bandages. Her white shoes were almost completely black with dirt. 

He smiled at her and reached out his hand to her. They hadn't had a moment alone together since she went missing. She walked over and took his handing sitting down beside him. "I'm tired." He said with a sigh and laid his head down on her shoulder "I couldn't really sleep when you were gone...and now that your back my body is ready to give up." He felt her fingers running through his hair and felt his eyes getting extremely heavy. 

Chrissy wasn't sure what to say but all his words were giving her butterflies. She was running her fingers through his curls and could feel his breath against her neck. It brought chills down her spine but she knew as bad as she wanted to lay down beside him and sleep, they couldn't sleep here not with the doorway. "We have to go." She said finally and kissed his hair. He let out a loud sigh which made her laugh and got up. 

She expected him to head right out of the room but instead he reached down and grabbed his book bag, dumping it out on his bed, and started throwing clothes inside. "I am tired of wearing the same damn thing." He said more to himself than her but she couldn't say she blamed him. "I don't have any jeans that will fit you but if you want to grab some pants and shirts to sleep in you can." Eddie said not looking at her but she could see he was turning red. 

She looked throw some of the drawers while he went into the bathroom and took more things. Chrissy pulled out three black band shirts, she didn't know the bands, and two pairs of grey and black sweat pants. She was trying to see if he had any shorts when she opened his underwear drawer, she found herself turn completely red as she looked down at the boxer briefs in the drawer. 

"Find anything?" Eddie said walking into the room and sitting down to put his boots on, she quickly closed the drawer turned towards him with her back against the dresser. "Yeah." She said a little to loud. He gave her a questionable smile and than tossed her another bag to throw the clothes she had picked out in. "Well than, lets go join the others." She said zipping up the bag. 

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