Chapter 18: Beatings

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Carson pushed himself off of the ground, looking at Anna with wanting—a need. But not lust.

Anna didn't notice him until he started walking towards her, kind-of crookedly. He seemed almost sad when his eyes trailed her.

She noticed him and raised an eyebrow, quickly catching on to what was going on. "Um, Carson?"

He didn't answer as he leaned over her, Anna scooting back on the bed in confusion. "Hey, Carson? What's-"

He took her hands in his hands, pushing her onto her back on the bed—although rather softly for the state he was in. She grunted and winced in pain, her wounds behind pushed against the material of the bed.

I could smell the alcohol on him, and I could see it flooding in his eyes. But I couldn't the look of lust in then. There was something different—a desperation.

" I wouldn't have had the cour—courage to say this before but, I love you Anna," he swooned and hiccuped, leaning closer to her. His eyes were straight and longing at her.

She tried to gently push him off, but her attempts were useless. I could see tears filling Carson's eyes as he ignored her pleas.

"Oh Anna, you are soo pretty. So, soo pretty." He smiled strangely at her, tucking her hair behind her ear. "If only, if only you were mine—I would be soo good for you if you left Alex. I'd be take suuch good care of youu."

He leaned in, his lips puckered as he moved in for a kiss.

"Stop, please," Anna whispered, trying to be quiet as he began to kiss her cheek instead—gentle pecks against her pale skin. She struggled underneath him.

At that moment, Alex came in, and he immediately saw what was happening. His face went red with shock.

"What the hell?!" He spoke loudly, grabbing Carson by his shoulders and slamming him into the wall, making a large noise. Carson stumbled, grunting in pain. I froze as I could hear the laughter immediately pause from downstairs.

Mommy heard us.

I looked to Anna and she stood up quickly, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room. I knew the two boys would be smart enough to hide before Mommy comes. They would be smart enough to forget what happened and get out of that room before the woman found them.

At least I hoped so.

Anna quickly led me to the room down the hall, Jen's and Aki's room, both of us stumbling as fast as we could. Anna walked with a limp, her face twisted in pain.

Anna had become pale, and so had I. Mommy said to be quiet—and we couldn't even do that. We couldn't even prevent disaster from happening.

We ran into the room and ended up face to face with Aki and Jen, along with another young girl unfamiliar with me. They stared at us in horror, catching on rather quickly.

"Mommy heard us," is all Anna had to say before the children began to run and hide. Aki and Jen immediately darted out of the room, to who knows where.

This room was bigger than ours, and it held two beds and a bunch of cardboard boxes, as though this was a storage room. Anna and I both hid behind a few of the boxes, it supporting enough shelter for both of us. Anna's breathing was deep and uneven as we waited and listened. She winced and whimpered with each painful whimper. She was in pain.

But what made it worse, is that I couldn't hear anything.

I was half expecting Alex and Carson to come running in, to come run in and hide like the rest of us. But no matter how long I waited, they wouldn't show up, and I began to worry that they didn't get the message.

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