Chapter 49: Not Like Before

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I couldn't stand being in the room much longer. It was getting stuffy and hot and I had no idea what they were talking about. They were supposed to be dead—I saw their bodies. There was no way in hell that they could be alive.

"Stop...stop it, you hear! What's going on?!" I begged for them to answer, but Henry Vale and Kai just continued to murmur things about the number three. The boy that hid under the bed with me didn't even bother to turn around.

I blinked away fearful tears and I ran out of the room, hoping I could get some answers out of someone like Anna or Carson. They need to listen—I don't know what's going on!

I barged into the room, and they didn't even look up. It's fine. If they don't listen on their own, I'll just have to make them listen. I had to get answers, I had to know why everyone was acting so weird.

"What's happening?!" I exclaimed, wary that Mommy might hear me. "Why is everyone like this?! Why are you still alive, Alex?! Why is Henry and the other little boy still alive?! When did you give birth to your child, Anna?!" They ignored me, continuing to fawn over their child like they have been for hours now.

I sobbed, running over to Carson. "How did you make it out?! Why do you not remember turning back—is it just me?! Why is no one confused as to why I can speak when I haven been able to since I have got here?! Why are you acting like this?!"

They kept their heads down, and I knew they weren't listening. They hid the babies face away from me, making me angrier and more frustrated than I was before. I felt hopeless and trapped. It was like they were all puppets. They were silent unless made to talk.

"Can you hear me?! What is going on?! What is so big about the number three?!"

At that moment, they all snapped their heads up, staring at me with blank, dark expressions. I held my breath. Now, I have their attention.

Anna smiled, reaching up and placing her hand on my shoulder. "It's fine lovely, you are just on number three, that's all."

I brushed away my tears, not letting my eyes drift away from Anna, for the fear she would turn back to being emotionless and dull. "What do you mean?" I choked, and she sighed, smiling at Alex and Carson. "I think we've been a little rough on her—let's take it down a little," she smiled, her body more relaxed and chill—still ignoring my question.

"I apologize," she stated, wiping away my painful, heartbroken tears. "I just thought it would be easier for you to get out with us acting that way."

Get out?...

I raised an eyebrow, taking a shaky breath. "What do you mean...'get out'?" I shivered and she once again ignored my question, patting me on the cheek. "We'll be better, okay?"

I nodded, more confused than before. Alex got up, giving the baby to Anna, and ruffled my hair, poking my head. "Sorry kiddo—but you've got to get past number three some time."

I ignored his statement, resting my head on his chest. I felt relieved that they were acting normal now. I didn't care about the weird, irrelevant things they were saying or the things about the number 'three.' I just wanted to be back, with Alex and Carson and Anna. I wanted it to be normal—normal for here if anything.

I didn't want to let him go, for the fear he would disappear again. They were just acting weird, that's all. I'm back in the real life—and everything is normal. Everyone is alive and happy—and Anna even had her child. I was relieved, and I have never been happier at this place than now.

"How do you like your voice," Alex said, crouching next to me with a big smile on his face. To be honest, it made me feel sick every time I spoke, as though I was going to puke that little marble up. I could clearly remember Jen's death, and hearing her voice come out of my mouth scared me. I would prefer to have a voice of my own.

"It's weird," I laughed, my throat tickling—and that only caused him to smile more. "Is that right? Well I hope you enjoy it, and you need to use it as much as you can before you leave. You'll miss it when you're back." I frowned, suddenly getting the sick feeling again.

I didn't know what he was talking about, and I didn't want to know. I didn't want him to go back to the way he was before when I ask questions, so perhaps it's better to keep them to myself. Maybe it's better not to wonder at all.

Kai walked in, his eyes now void of the holes and the blood. He smiled, skipping over to me as though he wasn't acting like a completely different person earlier. "It's cool that you can talk now, like me!" He laughed and I backed away, remembering his demeaning, dark act from earlier. He seemed hurt by my actions—and I immediately stopped moving.

"Hey, Kai, it's alright," Alex laughed, ruffling his hair. "She doesn't quite get it yet—I don't think that was the right way to make her understand." Kai shrugged, kicking at the ground. "Sorry," he mumbled, pushing his dark hair out of his face. "I was just trying to help."

"We all are," Alex stated, sitting back down beside Anna. He noticed my odd expression and smiled, laughing it off. "You'll get it later. For now, let's go see what Mommy is making for supper."

I scrunched up my nose at the thought of eating flesh once again. Just imagining the smell made me want to puke every where. I shivered, clearly concerned on why Alex would want to go anywhere near that wretched woman. If she found him, he was most likely going to be punished.

But before I could protest, Kai took me by the hand and led me out the door.

"Wait, what are you doing?! Mommy is going to hurt us if—" He stopped me, placing his hand over my mouth. "It's okay Harper. Not here."

He smiled and laughed, running downstairs and pulling me down along with him. I nearly tripped, and in only a few seconds, I found myself waiting outside the kitchen. I felt fearful and slightly nervous as I pulled away from Kai, hiding away from whatever would be inside.

Carson walked up behind me, slightly pushing me forward. "It's alright kiddo—you are safe here."

He pushed me ahead, and my eyes didn't land on what I thought they would. They didn't land on an angry, blood-thirsty Mommy preparing bloody portions of flesh for us—her lengthened figure towering over us and preparing to take us as her next meal. No. Not that at all. There was a Mommy that resembled what I saw on the first day she picked me up to take me home. I saw a feast prepared on the table, steaming hot and mouth-watering. The only thing that brought back the horrid memories was Mommy's dark, black eyes.

"W-what?" I stuttered, and Carson laughed, patting my back. "I told you it would be alright. Now dig in, you barely have any skin on your bones," he said, pinching my pale cheeks. I was too in shock to move at first. My eyes kept on drifting towards Mommy, who was seeming to be cooking something at the stove. She didn't acknowledge our existence, and it was hard to tell if she would hurt us or if she was good or not.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to take in the glorious sight.

This is real, right. If this wasn't real, how could everything be so vivid? How could the scent of the meal be so fragrant and wonderful? How could I feel so much joy if this wasn't real? This had to be real, I'm sure of it. There's no other explanation.

I convinced myself this wasn't a dream, and I walked in, wary to stay away from Mommy. I didn't trust that everything was safe and completely okay, but I still went ahead and sat down beside Kai, looking at the bowl of potatoes and roast in front of me. My mouth watered.

Kai began to shove food in his mouth and I looked to Carson across from me for approval. He smiled, nodding and poking at his own food. "Dig in, eat all you want."

The first bite was strange, almost making me gag at all the new and unfamiliar flavors. But the more I ate it, the better it tasted and the more it became familiar to me. I became full quite fast, since my stomach has shrank to nothing over time. But nevertheless, I continued to eat until my stomach ached and stretched with the food, for the fear I wouldn't be able to eat again.

This was nothing like before.

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