Chapter 32: Stockholm Syndrome

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They stared at the paper, as though they didn't believe it.

Kai had no clue what was going on—and he spent his time by sounding out the letters and words softly to himself—unaware at the moment of what the words stated.

Anna shook her head, the room swallowed up in echoing silence. She looked in disbelief.

"That can't be true," she said, her voice cracking. "That's two possible ways out—we can leave...we can-"

She leaned over and hugged me, her dirty hair brushing against my face. She sounded as though she was about to starts sobbing, and I watched as Alex comfortingly rubbed her back.

I hugged her back, my arms wrapping around her bony shoulders. I could feel her tears pooling on my shirt, and I could feel the happiness flood out in her ragged breaths. The relief...

Alex eventually pulled Anna back towards him, wiping away her tears. He placed butterfly kisses on her face, kissing away all of her tears—causing her to burst out in a fit of giggles.

I've never seen her look so happy, and Kai looked away—somewhat embarrassed by the lovey-dovey scene. That made Anna smile even more, and Alex guiltily looked down at her.

"Hey, hey Anna. We don't know that yet. We don't know if it will work...but it might. It's just a chance-" Alex paused, brushing Anna's hair out of her face, kissing her once again tenderly on the cheek.

Anna smiled at his words.

Carson furrowed his brows and looked away, so did Kai. They both seemed uncomfortable, and that made me want to laugh—if it wasn't for Alex's next words, which filled me with hope instead.

"Don't get your hopes up," Alex sighed, looking at all of us, his arms wrapped around Anna. Anna crinkled her nose, taking a shaky breath.

"We'll discuss the plan later, tonight, or in the morning. But as of now, don't speak of this to anyone. Jen's on a roll with getting us in trouble, especially Harper. She saw what you two did earlier—" he hummed, pointing to me and Kai. We both froze, and I realized Jen was the little birdie Mommy was talking about.

"And she immediately told Mommy."

Carson scoffed, standing up and leaning against the wall. He seemed annoyed with the idea of Jen.

"Like I told you, that little wench wants on Mommy's good side. She was attention-deprived and neglected as a child, so I guess that makes her have the urge to do whatever Mommy wants...because apparently, Jen 'loves her' and Mommy only wants to 'protect us.' I'm surprised she hasn't gotten herself killed yet."

Carson scowled, rolling his eyes. Kai winced at the word 'killed', and he looked around the room nervously.

Anna shrugged, pointing at Carson.

"I get it...I get her. If you aren't safe—aren't loved in an environment, you look for a source to relieve that, to trick your mind into thinking you are loved. She's just a little confused."

Alex grumbled, clearly disagreeing with her. Although he made it up by placing a small kiss on her forehead.

I noticed the back of her hand had tiny bleeding holes in it, and I realized she was caught.

"I just call that Stockholm Syndrome."

Carson burst out laughing and Anna playfully hit his shoulder, holding back her smile. Kai gave them a confusing look, innocent to what the term means.

"Stop being such a jerk Alex! She's just a little sick, aren't we all? Some people just have different ways of coping—"

Carson took a deep breath, trying to hold down his laughter. Alex chuckled.

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