Volume I "Neosis" - Chapter 1

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Book of Voltaire

Shadows Edition

Klei Nightwriter

Volume I: NEOSIS - Twin Crazies (Pilot Book)

Chapter 1: The Beginning Of An End


5th January 2022

9:30 AM

In the city of Metro Manila. A virus thrives here. The virus is spreading, a plague grows stronger every day and it is killing people faster than ever before. People suffer to find food, but they die before they can eat. The only things left are disease and death.

It was a living nightmare.

The news report says that flowers bloom out of their bodies like fungi that could reserve an entire garden for anyone who dies with the virus. Leafy red and pink blossoms popped over their bodies like fireworks.

Sickly yellow blooms the size of pumpkins grew from some, while others had white petals that looked more like moths' wings than flower petals. Scientists were baffled by the news report, and there was no additional information on what caused the flowers to grow from the bodies of the infected.

There were theories about an outbreak, one of the many conspiracies that was being spewed around in several places. People all over the world were claiming that the government was hiding something from their people, something weird and supernatural.

People claimed to have seen infected people carrying guns that can be found only in other worlds. But no matter how crazy theories about the virus and infected people were, there was nothing to back them up.

The virus they were saying did not exist was just a hoax to cover up the true cause of their deaths. The virus, they said, was just an excuse to control the population more thoroughly.

Their first stop will be Metro Manila and other major cities of the Philippines. Then, it would not be long until the entire world fell into their hands for the New World Order.

Or the CDC could've been planning a conspiracy to cause many more deaths than the Spanish Flu epidemic did. Or was this just a ploy for them to take control of my and other people's freedom and privacy? One of the twins believed in the conspiracy theories because it made so much sense, but the other remained very sceptical.

One man and one woman were delusional in their obsession, taking great care to always dress in matching outfits and knowing every secret about each other. They were convinced that being twins would be the ultimate prize and made unlimited efforts to convince everyone else.

One wearing a neon green hoodie jacket and forest camo pants. The jacket has two cartoonish eyes and a smile sewn into the hood, each side connected from left to right to make a wacky, toothy grin.

He had a silver wallet chain draped over his right thigh and was drinking a Monster energy drink with a black-red branded cigarette burning in an ashtray resting on his left thigh.

He also wore cyan-colored contacts, his black hair pulled back behind his ears, one piercing on each side of his lower lip, and rabbit-ear piercings in his tongue.

He was hyperactive today. His name was Klei and he was wearing three brands of drug packets on his belt, with two different markers tucked into the back of each pants pocket. He had twenty-five different types of stimulants inside him, especially Prozac and amphetamines.

He currently suffered from an undiagnosed case of ADHD, bipolar disorder, an addiction disorder and other conditions he didn't know about. It's not surprising that he was experiencing a psychotic episode that made him euphoric. He had eaten the wrong combination of foods for his blood sugar level; that and the sugar in the carbonated drink had added up to way too much sugar in his blood. And his name was Klei.

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