Volume I "Neosis" - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Welcome to Euphorium

Klei took her hand and dragged her as she bounced along the highway road. The hot summer sun warmed the tar beneath their feet, making it softer. They ran across parts of the bridge over the ground, between the cars where they heard a gunshot.

Balancing their feet with their arms up like birds, Klei and Sakura heard sirens approaching from a distance and collected their things from the poor side of town. The police had finally located them in their high-risk part of town.

As fast as he could, Klei grabbed Sakura's hand and ran through the high-speed winding highway roads, leaping over cars. Children screamed in terror as they passed by, waving at them from their parent's windows. Klei yelled at them to scream as he sped by with Sakura in tow, without a care for anyone that he might hurt.

The police cars raced along alongside them, moving close for inspection. Their sirens blared loudly. They were going to be captured.

Another gunshot rang nearby.

Sakura jumped off lousily from the edge from the high bridge down to the highway road and just fell onto her head.

"Ugh... I'm okay!" Sakura exclaimed, looking very high out of the earth in space over her intoxicated head, "I fell on my head. So, I should be fine."

"Oh, my God! That's hilarious! Come on, let's go!" says Klei, with dilated eyes with a crazy smiling look on his face. They're both intoxicated, as seen.

Then Sakura grabbed Klei's hand and the two ran towards where they heard the shot. They swiftly moved past the homeless people and into the alleyway, their feet hitting gravel as they neared the scene.

Soon, Klei saw him. The suited man wearing a full head sock mask like a full head black ski mask wielded a briefcase and had a gun pointed at the defenceless man. Klei's character, who is a sadistic killer, was enraged. As soon as he pulled out his knife and lunged at the killer, he was stopped by Sakura who was obsessed with hurting herself to the point of almost killing herself.

Because not to mention Sakura is a Masochist and Klei is a sadist, Klei being a sadist finally had been given the opportunity to kill someone. Which might turn out interesting...

He went running for it while the man tried to shoot at Klei, yet he ran out of bullets. So, he grabbed the corpse's gun as he pulled the trigger that looked like the shot went in another direction of the projectile, no matter where the man shot.

Which even if he purposely missed, as it seems. The bullet magically looks as if it was a ballistic missile that is being controlled by a military gadget that went to his head. Klei, despite being reckless, knew what he was doing. As he's done this many times.

To put a slow-motion scene to this, you could see Klei took his balisong knife to deflect the bullet as if he was not in slow-motion. And then the shot being deflected by his blade broke his knife, but it bounced back to the suited masked man to be fired at his own thigh.

Then, the man screamed in pain as he fell down onto the ground. Then Klei ran faster to the main, grabbed his pocket knife, and flipped it open as he took off the mask. Then slits his throat and thrusts his blade both through his eyes through his eye sockets.

Repeatedly penetrating through the brain as the blood gushes out to his face with the blood-lusted look on Klei's face as he stabs him over and over again. Then, he stopped right after the 66th stab. The man was already dead.

And he started looting through his stuff and even wore the dead man's fedora and tried to look for cash or credit cards or anything valuable, but there was none.

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