xxiii. dancing queen

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"you can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

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"you can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life."

COLBY HAD NIGHTMARES THAT NIGHT. Almost all of them revolved around the death of Sara. He didn't know why that was the topic of his nightmares, but it terrified him. He didn't sleep much that night.

However, one of his dreams was different from the others. In fact, it was hardly a nightmare at all. Instead, it seemed to be a memory.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" shouted Hopper, his voice echoing through the trailer. "I sacrifice so much for you-"

"Yeah, like my sister's life?" scoffed Colby, turning away. "You're a coward, you son of a bitch."

Hopper had gone quieter, although his frown had only gotten deeper, his face reddening out of anger. "Your sister's death was not my fault..."

"Yes it was!" yelled Colby, before regret filled his young eyes. "None of that matters. What matters is that you're a goddamn alcoholic, like you said my mother was."

"She is!" corrected Hopper, throwing his glass on the ground. It shattered, shards spraying all over the floor. "She's crazy! You just think I'm crazy, but you've never seen her before!"

"Maybe I should!" retaliated Colby, balling his hands into tight fists at his sides. "Maybe she'll care more than you have!"

"Yeah, why don't you go and see, huh?" snarled Hopper maliciously. "Go and see."

"Fine! I will." shouted Colby, grabbing his backpack full of clothes off the floor and storming towards the door. Then, he turned. "Get some help, Dad."

"Can't sleep?" whispered Josh, gaining Colby's shaken attention. He was sitting up against the wall, his eyes on Max.

"I guess not." Colby laughed awkwardly, taking a seat beside Josh. "You?"

"I told them I'd take Max watch for tonight." Josh shrugged in response. "I'm not tired."

"You sure?" Colby raised a brow. "I can watch her if you want to sleep for a little while."

Colby couldn't help the pit of guilt that was knotting up in his stomach like a restless cobra. No wonder it was keeping him up. Maybe he'd moved on too fast. Not to mention the lack of sadness he felt when Laurie died.

But why was he thinking about all of that then? Why not when it happened? Not while he and his father were balled up in the corner of the stairwell, sobbing after Sara died. He didn't feel guilty then— only angry. Angry and depressed.

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