xxv. i will survive

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"did you think i'd crumble? did you think i'd lay down and die? oh no, not i

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"did you think i'd crumble? did you think i'd lay down and die? oh no, not i."

COLBY MARTIN WAS LAYING ON HIS STOMACH IN HIS BED. It was another normal evening in Hawkins, or at least, as normal as it could get.

The three siblings were spread out in the house. Jayson was in his room, per usual, although Colby couldn't hear any music playing from his radio. It was almost eerie how silent his room was.

Cassie was somewhere in the kitchen, making herself food for the night. They'd decided on not making a proper dinner that evening. It was too much effort, and they were lazy.

As for Colby, he was humming to himself. Specifically, he was humming The Goonies 'R Good Enough by Cyndi Lauper, his favorite song from his favorite movie. Ever since it had come out, The Goonies had been Colby's favorite movie. It made him want to explore.

"Good enough..." mumbled Colby under his breath, flipping mindlessly though his comic book, "for you, it's good enough... for me, it's good enough... it's good enough for me."

His door swung open, and Cassie appeared, grinning at Colby, clearly amused. "Listen to those vocals."

"Funny." he grumbled, rolling his eyes as he flipped over. "What's up?"

"What song is that?" she queried seriously. "I've never heard it before."

Colby let out a laugh. "You're so weird, Cass." Of course she'd heard it before. She was just as big a Goonies fiend as Colby. They loved the song.

"How am I weird?" Cassie pointed to herself. "What song is it?"

"Uh, come on." Colby shook his head, tossing his comic book somewhere behind him. "Goonies 'R Good Enough by Cyndi Lauper. Jesus, it's from our favorite movie."

"Okay," Cassie scoffed lightly, making Colby furrow his brows together. "Uh, hey, can you ask Mom what she wants for dinner? If she wants me to make her something?"

Colby froze. He frowned at his older sister, who looked back at him with a strange expression— both of them were confused by the others actions. Colby more so than Cassie.

"What'd you say?" he whispered solemnly.

"You know, after she died, you didn't care." Cassie's voice had grown deeper, and Colby recoiled backwards. "Did you want her to die?"

"What the hell?" Colby muttered. "Cassie, stop it."

"I'm serious." Cassie's eyes had lost their brightness. Even though she'd always had dark brown eyes, they seemed darker. Not just in color, but in expression. They seemed darker. Colby couldn't explain it. Not even his mind could fully comprehend it. "Did you want Mom to die?"

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