Coffee |:| Nomin

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So this like- totally isn't inspired by something a friend of mine said they wanted to read...tooootally not.
Basic premise;
Jeno takes care of Jaemin because he always forgets to take care of himself.
Category: Fluff
Enjoy ;)

A gentle tap finished off Jaemin's fifth cup of coffee for that day.

And it was only 2AM.

Unfortunately there was no amount of caffeine that could cover up the heavy bags that planted themselves deep underneath his eyes, but that didn't stop him from ignoring them wholeheartedly.

After all, he was in college.

And while in college, there are hundreds of more important things than a functional sleep schedule and a self care system that involves more than biweekly showers and brushing your teeth once a day.

Though to Jaemin's dismay, his ultimate purgatory, the living rejection of his flawless self support system- Lee Jeno- was his dorm mate.

But lucky for him, that darned man had gone to sleep three hours prior.

Which left him all night to stare blindingly into his computer screen and vegging out while pretending to write an essay.

Or so he thought, until he was reminded that bladders are a thing, and that Jeno possessed one.

Shove a caffeine addicted college student into a horror movie set in their own dorm and let a door creak open and watch what happens.

Spoiler alert, it involves cowering in the same chair they were just sitting in, while not actually moving whatsoever, trying to act like if they don't move, nothing will see them.

Jaemin kept this mindset up until Jeno was standing directly in front of him, a tired look of boredom and unsurprised disappointment in his eyes.

"Do you see the time?"


"It's 2:47 AM."


"Not ooh, that's an "awe frick, I have class in five hours"."


"Jaemin I swear to god-"

The younger erupted in merciless giggles, knowing full well the older was painfully weak to them, and watched as his expression melted into the failed fighting back of a large smile.

Jeno sighed, smile still as stuck on his face as ever, closing the screen of the laptop wall Jaemin had between them.

"The essay isn't even due for a few days. You don't need to be this perfectionistic about it, Jaem."

The younger just shrugged it off, infectious smile plastering his face as it always does, curling cozily into the wooden chair as he did so.

"Fine then," Jeno narrowed his eyes, placing his hands on his hips in an "I got you now" fashion.

"No coffee."

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