Wicked Love |:| Renmin (Part 4 - FINAL)

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A continuation.
(Recap; After Jaemin successfully 'assists' Renjun in getting over Donghyuck, Renjun is left alone with his thoughts for a weak moment, and quickly finds himself feeling empty, wishing to return to a life that long since passed him by.)
It alllll comes to fruition now baby.
(I hate myself.)

It wasn't Jeno that greeted him.

Frazzled, and outright delirious, it was Donghyuck's sunken eyes that greeted him instead.

Renjun's throat went dry instantly.

"H-hey, 'Jun." His hands were thrust deep into his hoodie pockets, and his voice was hoarse, and his nose was red from a mix of the cold and god knows what else. "Is, uh. Jaemin here?"

"He's not," Renjun tries, quick to avert and try to shut the door, but Donghyuck's arm came up to his shoulder before he could.

"Wait—please, 'Jun. I have to talk to him."

"He isn't here," Renjun tries yet again to shake him off, and shut the door, but Donghyuck outright shoves past him when met with the faintest bit of resistance.

He invites himself right in, rummaging through the few drawers on the tv stand and kitchen counters respectively, but Renjun stops him before he can b-line to the bedroom.

"Get. Out."

Donghyuck wipes his nose, eyes devoid of life. "Where is Jaemin."

"He isn't here," Renjun hisses.

"It always was cute when you tried to act tough," Donghyuck returns a hand to his pocket, flicking his head to the side. "But it will never work on me."

"I'm not joking, Donghyuck. Leave. Now."

It appeared Renjun's thundering heart betrayed his voice, because Donghyuck just laughed, and gave a meager shove to Renjun's shoulder with his free hand. Gone was that docile facade.

"Make me."

Renjun swallowed his fear, perhaps to his own dismay, and tried to walk away.

He intended to shut himself in the bedroom; lock the door, stay safe behind the bolt, and whatever damage could be done Jaemin wouldn't blame him for. It would be obvious it wasn't his fault. The only worry in his defense plan was for Styx, but he was nimble, so Renjun figured he'd be able to fend for himself just fine, god forbid he needed to.

He intended to do this.

But Donghyuck didn't let him take a single step away.

"Ah, no no. Not this again." He tightened his stolen grip on Renjun's wrist, and tugged him uncomfortably closer. "No more running away."

"Let go," Renjun hardly even put a sound to the words, throat dry, heart pattering through his nerves.

"What, this too familiar for you?" Donghyuck pressed forward, and Renjun stepped backwards—which unfortunately played into his plan, as the cycle continued, until his back roughly met the wall. Donghyuck didn't relent. "Can't get away this time, can you?"

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