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Sarah hopped into her plane as soon as it was prepared for her. Having been previously briefed on this mission, she was ready to fight at a moment's notice. Her RIO, Jacob, followed suit.

The hatch of the plane descended and they both gave the two-finger signal for takeoff. Her wingman, Landon, appeared beside her within seconds. She looked to his plane and gave him a thumbs up, signaling that she was ready to go.

"Everything all good in the back?" she asked Jacob.

"All clear Riser, let's go," he replied.

The dead silent sky felt like doom was silently closing in on them until Sarah picked something up on her radar. Two bogies up ahead. One of the bogies flew past her, nearly clipping her right wing. She didn't have time to process what just happened until the bogey was gone.

"Glory, where did they go?" Sarah shouted into her comm, the panic rising in her voice. She tried to stay calm.

"There is one on your tail, the other is chasing Click!" Jacob responded quickly while moving his head around the tight space.

"Click, you need help?" Sarah asked into the radio.

"No, I'm avoiding their missile lock, try not to get shot!" He spoke.

"Alright, let's dance."

Sarah shifted the plane upwards, carefully watching the g force, and began to descend after reaching a certain height. She hoped to lose the bogey in the sun, but it still remained behind her. She cursed under her breath when she heard an alarm go off. Missile lock. The beeping was getting more rapid and she did everything she could to shake the bogey.

"Riser, they are trying to lock a missile on us!" Jacob yelled.

"Don't panic!" Sarah broke hard right, and the bogey tried to follow but was not able to catch up.

"Click, are you there?" She said into the radio.

"Yeah, the other one is still behind me, but he can't get a missile lock!" he replied.

"Can you shoot the one that's on my tail?"

"I'll try!"

Sarah maneuvered the plane from left to right, avoiding every chance of a missile lock. She heard a loud explosion behind her.

"That's one!" She heard Click yell into the radio.

"Nice work! I'll try circling around to get the bogey on your tail."

Jacob reported that Click was on her six. Sarah pulled onto the stick, making the jet go into a loop. Seconds later, they found themselves behind the bogey.

"Guys, we got a problem!" Click shouted.

Sarah saw smoke in the air as she watched one of Click's engines get shot. He quickly shut it down, restoring her visibility. She looked around while putting her hand on the trigger. The target whirred around until it locked onto the bogey.

"I've got good tone! Taking a shot!" She spoke.

She pressed the button and a missile released, hitting the bogey straight in the center.

"That's two!" She yelled, excited.

The radio crackled to life, another voice pouring out of the speaker. "This is your Commander speaking. Great work everyone, make your way back to the aircraft carrier immediately."

Sarah and Landon maneuvered their planes back to the ship and safely landed them. Jacob hopped out and they did a group hug, happy to be back on solid ground.


In the shower room, Sarah just finished changing when her commander walked into the room. She stood at attention immediately, her face changing to a static expression.

"Yes, sir?"

"You have been asked to report to the Admiral's office immediately," He spoke in a rough voice. "Your RIO is already there."

He left the room and Sarah pulled her hair in a tight bun. She waved to Landon and walked to the Admiral's office, spotting Jacob standing in the center. She went up beside him and they both stood at attention.

The Admiral began to speak in a neutral tone. Sarah and Jacob did not dare to look at each other.

"I'm going to make this short and sweet. Over the years, I have observed your flying. Today, an opportunity arose and both of you are perfect for it." he paused, gauging their reactions. They stayed at attention. "I need to send two pilots to Miramar to fly up against the best Naval Aviators in the country. You two are going to TOPGUN. Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir!" They both said.

"That is all. Prepare your suitcases. You leave in three days."


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