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Sarah tossed and turned around in her sleep. She couldn't get those words out of her head. No matter how much she disliked him, there was no way he could be avoided. After a bit, she started to dream.

"Sarah..." Tom said with a wide smile on his face.


"Come here, let me take you on a flight."

"I can do it myself, but since you are offering..."

They walked across the hangar to an F-14 Tomcat. Tom warmed up the controls and they both climbed in. They put on their headsets and were clear for takeoff. The feeling of being in the air excited Sarah. She looked at the view below and laughed.

"What's the laughter for, Riser?"

"Oh, nothing, Ice. I'm just glad to be here with you."

They flew for an hour in silence, taking in the scenery. No bogies in sight, all was calm.

"Control tower one, this is Iceman, requesting for landing."

"Request approved, it is safe to land."

They hopped out of the plane and got their gear off. They hugged and Tom leaned in closer...


Sarah woke up instantly. She rubbed her eyes and turned her alarm clock off. That was an... odd dream.

She got changed and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. Nick and Pete waved her over, and she joined their table. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tom walk in. He looked around and joined Hollywood at his table. She was glad he didn't want to go to her table. The nonsense with her dream and thoughts was already too much to handle.

She ate and listened as Pete and Nick talked about the Top Gun competition.

"I'm going to win this competition. I don't care who stands in my way, especially Iceman," Pete said with determination in his voice.

Sarah shot him a look and continued to eat.

"Well, I'm happy to be your RIO. Just don't do any more of that stupid stuff we did back at our old base," Nick said, laughing.

"What stupid stuff did you all get up to? And do I actually wanna know?" Sarah asked.

"Oh well, we did a few maneuvers and got in trouble with the Admiral. Just as we were about to get kicked out, he offered us an invitation here to Top Gun. How about that?" Nick took a sip of water.

"I'm still curious about this 'stupid stuff'," Sarah pried.

"Let's not talk about it here. We need an empty room anyways. Breakfast is still not over for another half hour," Nick stood up and Pete followed.

They walked down the hallway until they found an empty room. No officers were around, so they quietly slipped in and closed the door. Little did they know, Tom saw them get up and leave and wanted to know what they were up to. The room they picked was soundproof, so he couldn't hear a thing.

"Alright, you got me here, what did you all do? Blow up a plane? Go under the hard deck?" Sarah asked, sitting on top of a desk.

"Well..." Goose started.

"We were flying out and saw a few bogies. We shot one down and the others would just not move. We learned that they were screwing with us, so we decided to screw them right back," Pete said.

"So, Maverick over here got into position and decided to invert ourselves right above the bogey. I suppose this was his idea of fun," Goose added.

"I said 'hey' and flipped the pilot the bird. Ya know, foreign relations," Pete said. Beside him, Nick held up the middle finger.

Sarah laughed. "Sounds fun. Must be nice being able to do something like that. I know you were close to having hell to pay, but your luck streak never ran out."

All three of them laughed.

"We still have 15 minutes of lunch, but we should head back before someone tries to send a search party for us," Sarah said, opening the door.

Tom heard the door open and bolted to the other side of the hallway. He pretended to be walking when Nick, Pete, and Sarah came out. Sarah gave him a look of suspicion but didn't say anything.

Goose whistled. "Looks like your boyfriend is out here again, what are you two even up to? You spend more time together than anyone I've seen."

"Shut up. Now." Sarah said, narrowing her eyes. Tom gave them an innocent look. Pete looked suspicious of him too.

"What are you doing out here anyways?" Pete asked.

"Just taking a walk. Is that not allowed?" Tom asked condescendingly. "I could say the same for you. You all should be reprimanded for being in an empty classroom like that."

Sarah stood her ground. She walked over and jabbed him in the chest. "Tell anyone and your wings won't be the only thing you lose."

Tom looked at her and laughed. "Why would I tell anyone? I wouldn't want to see a pretty girl like you get in trouble. Pete and Nick on the other hand..." He smirked.

"Tell on them too and I will follow through on this threat. Do not test me," Sarah said in a low voice.

Tom raised his hands and said, "How about we make a deal? You come with me for the last part of breakfast, and no one gets in trouble."

Sarah sized him up for a second and agreed. She told Pete and Nick the plan and walked over to Tom.

He pulled her into the classroom and sat on a desk. He tapped the desk beside him, inviting her to sit beside him. Sarah sighed. For Nick and Pete.

She sat on the desk beside him, and they sat in silence for a few minutes. Sarah found herself getting sleepy and almost laid her head on Tom's shoulder. She looked up at him and he smiled. That damn smile.

She wanted to get close to him, but her conscience was telling her not to. As if he read her mind, he said "It's okay, I won't hurt you."

She eyed him warily, but the breakfast bell rang. They got up from their desks and walked over to the door. Making sure the coast was clear, they went out into the hallway. Tom offered her his hand, but she slapped it away. Maybe in private...

Sarah found herself walking closer to Tom. Why? This isn't what I want, especially in public! He looked down and noticed her movements. She was a bit tense, probably because he was there. Her calm demeanor seemed to break after the time they sat in silence.

They found their way to the hangar and went their separate ways. Tom near a brown-haired pilot with curly hair, and Sarah beside Goose. She glanced at Tom other while waiting for instructions. Goose was oblivious, as he was whispering to Pete about some other shenanigan he had gotten into.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to risk a smile at Tom. She shot him a small smile and he grinned widely. She felt at ease a little and wanted to stay in the moment forever, his smile burned into her memory.

A/N: Double upload today! I decided to go away from the script a bit to give Ice and Sarah some time alone!

Edit: Thank you for over 100 reads! I am really happy for the support of this fanfic!

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