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Sarah woke up instantly, thinking about Pete, wondering if he would come today. This was their last day of TOPGUN, and she did not want to miss it. She went to the cafeteria to find Tom. He was in his usual spot with Slider, and she sat down on Tom's other side. She still did not like Slider all that well.

Tom ruffled her hair and she laughed, taking a bite of her breakfast. A pit in her stomach formed, and she wondered if she would ever see Tom again. She lost so many people in her life, and she did not want her boyfriend to go, too. Was this only a one-time deal?

Tom sensed something was wrong with Sarah, so he stopped being playful and his face got serious. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about Pete. Hopefully he comes today," she responded.


After breakfast, the pilots went into the changing room and put on their white outfits. Tom leaned against the wall, waiting for her. She came out of the bathroom stall, her hair in a tight bun. Tom offered her his hand and they both walked out of the room to where graduation was being held. Sarah didn't realize how hot Tom looked in the white uniform, but it was too late to say anything now.

They arrived at the graduation where rows of chairs were set up. Sarah scanned the area for Pete, but frowned when she didn't spot him. Tom led her to the middle of the front row, and let her sit beside him. He never let go of her hand even when sitting.

The Admiral walked up to the podium once everyone was seated. He began his speech.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate all the graduates here at TOPGUN. Your flying and training helped you work so hard, and all of us are proud of you. Before we reveal who got the trophy, I would like to say a few words about the former RIO who was killed earlier this year, Nick Bradshaw."

Sarah started tearing up. It was hard to listen.

"Nick Bradshaw, also known as 'Goose', was an exceptional RIO. He knew what to do in the situation and handled it to the best of his ability. He was a great friend and his memory will live on. Because of his efforts, I would like to posthumously award him the TOPGUN patch."

The audience clapped, but the Admiral wasn't finished.

"I would like to have a minute of silence for the time between when Maverick flew into the jet stream to his untimely death."

The whole vicinity fell silent. Some had their heads down, and some were silently crying. After the minute passed, the Admiral begun once again.

"It's time to award the patches. These pilots (and RIOs) have displayed excellent talent and accumulated enough points to graduate," he started reading from a list. "Iceman, Riser, Glory, Slider, Merlin, Hollywood, Wolfman, and Maverick, congratulations."

At the mention of Pete's name, Sarah quickly looked around. Maybe he said it just in case he showed? The group went up to the front and received their patches, took a picture, then sat back down.

"Now, to award the TOPGUN trophy. This year's winners are..." he paused, letting the tension rise. "Riser and Iceman!"

Cheers erupted all around Sarah and Tom as they walked up and hugged, then held the trophy up in the air. The smiles on their faces were so wide, and they did not want to let this moment go. They finished posing and went to get champagne.

After a few minutes, Sarah noticed Pete walking up the aisle. She was happy to see him, but couldn't let it show. He walked up to them.

"Congratulations," he shook both of their hands.

He began to walk away when Viper and another commander went behind the group and made an announcement.

"Gentlemen, and lady!" Viper raised his voice to get everyone's attention. "I hate to break up the party before it really gets out of hand, but some of you have to depart immediately. We have a crisis situation."

"Riser, Ice," the commander began.

"Yo," Tom replied.

"Glory, Slider," he continued.

"Yes, sir," they took the envelopes.


"Sir?" He walked back over.

Everyone who was given an envelope began to open it, scanning its contents.

"Maverick, you'll get your RIO when you get to your ship. If you don't, give me a call. I'll fly with you," Viper smiled.

"Yes, sir," he responded.


Sarah and Tom walked out of the graduation place and stood there, making sure no one saw them. They quietly discussed the mission.

"Having to support an aircraft carrier? Possible airstrikes?" She whisper-yelled.

"Yeah, it seems so. But we will be okay. Do you want me to be the pilot?" Tom asked her.

"I'm afraid my PTSD will get in my way again like last time... sure, you can be the pilot," she hugged him.

"But, promise me one thing, and please, be genuine about your answer." Tom said suddenly.

"Yes?" She asked him, curious.

"Don't leave me. Promise me you won't leave me. Promise me you will fight tooth and nail before giving up," he said all this quickly, trying to get it out before the tears got there first.

"Of course, I won't ever leave you, silly," she laughed.

They both went to their rooms, staying there for the rest of the day. They needed every bit of sleep they could for this mission.


The next day, they gathered in the briefing room of the aircraft carrier. Jester began to speak.

"Pilots, this is bullseye. The communication ship, SS Layton, has wandered into foreign territory. The rescue operation is to begin within the hour, your mission is to give air support to that rescue. There are MiGs in the area, tensions are high. If you witness a hostile act, you will return fire. Those ships contain the exosent anti-ship missile. They can fire that missile from a hundred miles away. Gentlemen, this is the real thing. This is what you've all been trained for. You are America's best. Make us proud."


"Yes, sir."



"Sector two."

"Maverick, you back him up with Merlin on Ready Five."

"Yes, sir."


Everyone stood up, but Tom walked up to Jester.

"Excuse me, sir?" He started.


"This is not personal, but in regard to Maverick... is he the best pilo-"

"I know what's on your mind, Kazansky, just get on it!"

Sarah elbowed him hard and they went to their plane. Tom was in the front and she was in the back. Tom guided the plane through everyone and the platform rose. Before he gave the signal, they put their oxygen masks on. Let's hope everyone gets out alive. I know everyone will get out alive.

Tom gave the thumbs up and salute, and they were off.


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