Playdate? More like play with deez n- (chapt.5 [1/2])

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Ranboo's POV(3rd person):
"So do you get what I'm trying to say?"


"Okay good. I need help with stuff."

"What'd'you need help with?"

"Boy stuff. Like a boy crush."

"Boys, eh? ...Can't deal with them, can't vaporise them when they dump you-"

"Excuse me-"

"What's going on in their heads? With their wandering hands and breath in the morning?"

"That's not what I'm calling you for-"

"...are you sure?"

"Y e s."

"What're you calling me for then?"

"...moral support..."

"Okay emo kid-"



Billzo then ended the call immediately.


Ranboo contemplates his life choices.

He closed his eyes and sighed, opening them and- Oop! It's day now.

"Mi hijo, ¿Estás listo para salir todavía? We need to hurry up if we want to be on time ok?" Mamá Julie, after knocking on the door, opens his bedroom door.

"Sí mamá, gracias."

"It's no problem! Now, go get ready." Julie then closed his door and went downstairs.

Ranboo pulled up the blinds of his bedroom and looked outside to check the weather. It wasn't raining, but it was indeed cloudy.

Good thing he didn't immediately blind himself with the full force of the sun blasting down onto earth with the hottest heatwave in over 40 years and nothing you have can cool you down so over half of the millions of people in your country get heatstroke since your country is humid and sweat sticks to you more than in any other FUCKIN PART OF THE WORLD- ahem. That would be unfortunate. Looking at you, England.

Ranboo shuffled out of his bed, rolling his body into a blanket burrito and immediately slipping out of the cocoon like how a snake just kinda does it's thing, standing up and grabbing a towel and some under garments so he isn't probably freezing when he gets out of the shower.
R M. B opens the door of his room and immediately regrets it.
It's like a blizzard set off in the house's corridors. How dare the wood be so freezing.

He runs into the bathroom and locks it, before turning on the light and looking at himself in the mirror. God damn he looked like shit. He splashes some lukewarm water into his face and combs his hair... and some fur as well. He neatly ties it into a man bun and puts on a shower cap before doing his shower stuff and flooding the room with steam- them bills gotta be expensive.
He gets out of the shower and grabs his towel on the floor, adjusting it to wrap around his body before he opens the window so the steam wouldn't fog up any mirrors. He opens a cabinet to get out his facial cream stuff and does his thing. It's quite impressive for him to have such a good structure in his mornings after waking up on >2 hours of sleep. He puts on the garments he grabbed earlier and wore them underneath the towel before re-adjusting the rectangular cloth and opening the door, turning the bathroom light off in the process.

He walks towards his room, less cold as before.
He puts on some rectangular glasses and opens his wardrobe. "Nope, nope, Nu-uh, nope, a-ha!" He takes a nice slightly-formal outfit off it's hanger and puts it on.

(This is a really nice artwork, the original is on ArtStation)

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(This is a really nice artwork, the original is on ArtStation)

He felt more confident and picked up a small contact lens container and took off his glasses, before sliding the contacts on his eyes.
He shuddered a little, blinking excessively.

"Still not used to that feeling-"

"Mi hijo, you okay?" Julie called from the kitchen.

"I'm fine mamá!" Ranboo shouted back, spraying in some deodorant and fixing some clothing crumples before nuzzling his head against Whiskers. "Bye for now."


Ranboo giggled and pet the cat before waking downstairs, much to the feline's dismay.

"You ready to go Ranboo?" His two moms smiled at their son.

"Mhm!" Ranboo grabbed his shoulder bag and hoisted it against himself. "All ready!" He smiled.

"Good." Mamá pat his head and opened the door. "We are gonna take the car since it's easier."

R M. B nodded and put on some... high heel converse? Just a slightly elevated shoe (which made him even taller) and stepped out of the house, walking towards the family car.

During the car ride, he listened to some music. Mostly jazz music, because he likes himself a bit of jazz.

That was a lie actually, the whole family was listening to jazz music because why not have a bit of jazz in the morning?

R M. B stared out the window, looking at the trees and cars whizzing past his peripheral view. He might try and take a pic when they went back home. If he has the hand eye coordination to do it...

A small timeskip brought to you by skittles. TASTE THE RAINBOW MOTEHRFUCKER-

After his mothers parked the car, he opened the door and ducked to make sure he didn't bang his head against the car accidentally.

"Well, we're here!" Mamá Julie briefly smiled at Mom. "I arranged a play date with you and Mr Phil's youngest son, so be nice okay?"

Ranboo nodded, instantly regretting coming along. He has to socialise. Sad. Feel pity. Or not, he can just go home-

"We have something important to do today so Me and Phil had agreed for him to take care of you for the day. I'm sorry we couldn't tell you in advance hijo." Mom and Mamá hugged ranboo. "You'll be in good hands though."

Well shit. He can't go home.

"Okay madres, have a good... important thing... stuff..." Ranboo started speaking quieter, since he didn't really know where his moms were going.

The 2 mothers smiled and hugged ranboo one last time. "We'll pick you up later! Have a good play date!" The two got in the family car and slowly drove off, leaving ranboo infront of the house.

It was... a little small, but he could manage.

Walking to the front of the door, he leaned down slightly and ever so gently knocked on said-door.

"One moment!" Said a voice that was not tommy. Maybe it was his sibling?

A brunette... adult? In a very stylish checkered outer shirt and hip skinny jeans (Charlie spring moment/j) with gold rimmed glasses opened the door. Studying their body language, they looked to be in their early 20's. Something along the lines of that. "You must be the guest! Hello!"

"Hi.. I'm Ranboo." He held out his hand for this very normal social interaction; The adult shook his hand.

"I'm Wilbur."

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