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Bluewill:"i was arrested for being too cool"

Blood:"the charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence"
Kai:"why did you give Dante a KNIFE?!"

Vaid:"he said he felt unsafe"

Kai:"now I feel unsafe!"

Vaid:"i'm sorry......"

Vaid:"....... Would you like a knife?"
Blood:"nothing in life is free"

Tiggar:"love is free"

Exca:"adventure is free"

Rarrken:"knowledge is free"

Dante:"everything is free if you take it without paying"
Vettel:"what did you guys get in your yearbook?"

Kai:"nicest personality"

Mary(oc):"prettiest smile"

Braking:"most likely to start a bar fight"

Schmidt:"least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one"
Zeus:"bye tiggar! Bye exca! Bye blood! Bye Dante! Bye rarrken! Bye tiggar!"

Mary(oc):"you said 'bye tiggar' twice"
Zeus:"i like tiggar"

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