Hotel resort

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I'm on holiday at a hotel resort in Turkey so why not?? I'm only doing burst and evolution :) oh characters are aged up (because you can't work at age 11 silly)

Bellboy: Cuza Ackerman/ Xander Shakadera
Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you. Cuza does parkour with people's luggage and Xander holds it all with one hand and guests' eyes bug out of their heads. They tell them to use the lift and go to their assigned floor whilst the two of them race them up the stairs with all their bags balanced on their backs, and they always win, without fail. Cuza  runs around like mad with the trolley thing that you use to carry luggage whilst Carl squawks to the beat or something and Xander is just this huge tourist attraction in himself and takes selfies with people. Everyone loves them.

Receptionist: Kristina Kuroda
Ugh I love this girl. Literally my favourite person. She's so helpful and nice, she's patient with foreigners, she's efficient and she's calm. I feel like she does more than she's supposed to; my girl is running around behind the reception desk whilst the others are just sitting there with their jaws open.

"Hey Kris? It's fine, the printer's right next to me, I can-"
"Done and done! Does anybody know where the printer ink is? We ran out."
"It's right under-"
"I got it! Thanks :)"

Pool duty: Rantaro Kiyama
Who else? He's perfect for this job- he's attentive, observant and he doesn't hesitate to take action. He definitely strolls around the poolside in his flip-flops, trips, and then tries to play it off to all the ladies and gents watching him. He hands out free lollipops to all the kids around and yes, he's had to back away from a few suspicious mothers with his palms in the air. He's always wearing shades, too, and his red tank top paired with this horrible pair of tropical swim shorts and he flexes whenever he thinks anyone is looking at him (The souvenir guy usually is.)

Waiting duty: Daigo Kuragami/ Ukyo Ibuki
They're so quiet, you won't see 'em... and therefore you'll be pleasantly surprised when they appear out of thin air and take your empty plates, glasses, uused tissues, everything. They have this ability to just slink between tables undetected and they fit through any space so plus-sized people don't have to worry about tucking their chairs in. Babies in highchairs like to grab Ukyo's hair when he's passing through and it really pisses him off. Daigo, however? An absolute legend, all the kids love him and he loves all the kids.

Cleaning duty: Ren Wu Sun
He's a master of distances and precision (or something, I don't know, I haven't seen this show in ages) so this is right up his alley. Expect calculated sweeps of his broom, super fast swipes of his mop, everything you can think of. He really hates using hoovers because they're loud and annoying, so when he's using them he tends to trip over his own feet a little because the noise throws him off. He also really hates getting dirty, so he's definitely wearing a face mask, a cloth on his head, gloves, an apron, everything.

Room service: Silas Karlisle
He's only taken this job because rich people use this service, so he thinks he's doing less work for good pay (he's not, he's just stupid). He's super anti-social and he has this tendency to just grunt in response to questions and never actually help. He also bangs on doors really hard when he's knocking and shakes the entire building, and he's got no patience with foreigners and is just really rude overall. He's been caught on many occasions colliding with Cuza in the hallways and just losing his mind. His uniform is always half done and he never ever buttons his shirt completely.

Housekeeping: Toko and Nika Aoi
These two are 100% taking turns sitting on the cart and having the other push them to next room. I feel like Toko is the one cleaning the bathrooms and restocking the free toiletries whilst Nika changes sheets and makes beds. She likes to twist blankets into these really elaborate patterns, so Toko finishes way before her and just begs her to hurry up. Toko definitely goes overboard with the mini toiletries and always gives way too much stuff and it never gets used but he feels good giving but all anyways. They also tend to stack mini-fridges full of water, like people return to their rooms, open the fridge and then bottles and bottles of the stuff just tumble out onto the floor. They also have this habit of leaving the air-conditioning on, so rooms are as cold as ice.

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