School headcanons <3

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A British secondary school setting though because I don't really know how Japanese high schools work and I want to include some others in here. You might not agree but I don't care it's my opinion lmao

Also I know Beyblade Burst is already in a school setting but here they're all teens and Beyblade isn't a thing. Ken doesn't exist either because I don't care about him lol (sorry i guess)

Also the amount of times I was going to put cuss words in this is insane. Can I not form a sentence without swearing 😔💔

Valt Aoi

I hate to say this but Valt is one dumb ass child, like he's doing foundation EVERYTHING, maths, science, languages- heck, if there was an option for foundation English he'd be doing that as well. Doesn't do his homework, shows up late to class, always in detention- he's a troublemaker and everyone knows it. It doesn't help that he's also super sociable, super friendly, and super nice, so it makes it really hard for teachers to be mad at him. He's also got atrocious handwriting so even when he does do his work, it's illegible and makes his teachers want to rip their hair out. His uniform is always missing its tie and his blazer? I don't even think he has one.

(Foundation is basically an exam paper with less exam content, so for those who aren't smart enough for the Higher paper 😭😭)

Shu Kurenai

He excels at all things maths and computing, and is probably the most left-brained person there is. His uniform is pristine at all times of the day, and he's always wearing his blazer because he gets chilly easily and his skin is sensitive to the sun. He has so many people crushing on him, but he's oblivious, even when everyone in his IT class coincidentally forgets how to code and needs his help. He's not a teacher's pet though; he's the opposite, and ignores the way his teachers do things which is particularly troublesome in maths because you must list your working out, regardless if the answer is correct or not, otherwise you miss method marks. He's also got beef with Lui.

Rantaro Kiyama

Rantaro is that one guy who takes no part in group assignments- I'm talking no research, no PowerPoint slides, nothing- and leaves all of that to the quieter members of the group, but somehow he'll bang out an award-winning, jaw-dropping, stunning presentation with the power of all the bullshit he's got stored in his brain. Homeboy doesn't even know the topic of the presentation but he's just so goddamn charismatic that nobody ever seems to notice. It's a win-win situation; he doesn't have to do any work, the quiet kids don't have to talk, and everyone gets a good grade, which God knows he would not be able to get on his own.

Daigo Kuragami

He's another high-achiever, with a knack for the sciences, which people are constantly surprised by, because his emo-ness throws them off. He's especially good at biology (rumours say it's because he spent a lot of time as a kid reading up on his brother's illness) but chemistry and physics don't fall far behind. He doesn't talk much and he's more of a loner type person, and he's weirdly close with the librarians- probably because he spends so much time in there. He's also super good at computer games and types faster than lightning.

Wakiya Murasaki

He's the schools' resident rich kid, and because so many of the teachers know his dad, he gets away with murder. He doesn't get in trouble for not wearing proper school uniform, he doesn't have to do PE if he doesn't want to, and most importantly, he puts rude, bratty teachers in their place because God knows that secondary school has way too many of those. He's one of those people who walk so goddamn slow in the corridors just to piss people off (read: Rantaro) and when you try to shove past him or say something rude to him, he will shove you back (harder) and he will verbally berate you. He's one of the schools' top younger year haters and there have been many, many incidences of year 7 and 8's getting pushed around by him and just overall he's so scary from the perspective of the younger kids.

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