Silencing Silas

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Silas snores disgustingly loud and Cuza takes things into his own hands.

(They're brothers I just feel it. Also yes, Silas is a psycho confirmed.)


"Oh my God," Cuza groans, shoving his head into his pillow. "Silas can you shut up, please?"

Silas, of course, doesn't reply; Cuza is all too aware of the fact that his grumpy roommate is asleep due to his thunderous snores echoing through the room and reverberating in Cuza's ears.

The pillow does nothing to help block out the sound, so he throws it off his hammock in a fit of frustration- something Cuza comes to regret immediately as it bounces off Silas' body, sprawled out on the bed below, and lands with a dull thud onto the carpeted floor.

Carl, at the very least, seems to be having no difficulty drifting off to sleep despite the noise. He's sound asleep to Cuza's left, and Cuza wishes he was as unaware of his surroundings as his bird.

He decides to just accept his fate and deal with the snoring, and he's just begun to feel himself giving into his tiredness when Silas shifts in his bed.

Oh no.

Silas grunts in his sleep and turns over onto his back, and Cuza can already feel the snores coming before they even leave the freak of nature that is Silas' nose.

Silas begins to snore again, ten times louder, and Cuza wants to rip his own ears off.

That's it, he thinks, jumping off the hammock gracefully onto the ground. I've had enough.

He stalks silently to Silas' bed; he's kicked off the sheets in his sleep, and one of his pillows have been knocked aside by a stray arm.

It's almost impressive, really, how Silas causes so much destructive in his sleep. Cuza wonders what would happen if Silas was to switch places with him for one night. He'd probably break the hammock and then crush Cuza beneath him.

The thought both terrifies and amuses Cuza.

First, he snatches up his own discarded pillow and tosses it up to his hammock. Then he grabs the duvet and roughly throws it across Silas' body, vengefully pushing his limbs underneath, before he uses all his strength to roll the guy over until he's on his stomach and his face is shoved into the pillow to muffle out his deafening snores.

It works, and Cuza sighs with relief before he climbs up nimbly to his hammock to sleep.

Cuza counts roughly two minutes of tranquility before Silas begins to stir.

Silas mumbles something in confusion to himself as he wakes up, before grunting like some sort of caveman and kicking the covers onto the floor again. For someone who wears nothing but shorts and a T-shirt to bed, Silas apparently gets surprisingly hot in the night, a phenomenon which Cuza will never understand because Silas also likes the air conditioning on and therefore has a strange desire to turn into an icicle during the night.

He flips himself over again onto his back, the bed creaking as he turns, and Cuza resists the urge to scream in frustration.

He waits for Silas to fall asleep again- which doesn't take long, judging by the way his breathing goes from practically silent to resounding through the room. Cuza leaps down to the floor again, and racks his brains to come up with a better solution.

He grabs the pillow Silas pushed away and stacks it on top of the other one, in order to be able to elevate Silas' head and hopefully, hopefully he'll stop sounding like he's been smoking his entire life. 

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