The prettiest person in the world

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Rantaro stops arguing with Wakiya. He starts flirting instead, because it's ironic how somebody who hates him so much can be reduced to a blushing, stuttering mess. 

(Aged up again bc I feel uncomfortable writing about 12 year olds and their romance. bc thats weird bro.)

"I'm serious, honcho." Valt says as he packs up his things after class. "You gotta stop picking fights or one day you guys will blow things out of proportion."

"Proportion," Rantaro repeats. "That's a big word."

Valt punches Rantaro's arm lightly, trying to conceal his grin. "Shut up."

Shu chuckles. "I taught him that yesterday." 

"And I'm not even the one picking fights! He starts them!" Rantaro protests angrily. 

Shu and Valt both give him a deadpan look.

Rantaro pretends not to notice and slings his bag strap over his shoulder. "But anyways, yeah, I guess you're right. No more arguing, or someone'll end up in tears."

"That someone is usually you, Rantaro." Shu supplies unhelpfully, a small grin on his face. 

"No it's not!"

"You cried because he said you reminded him of a starfish!" Valt intervenes loudly, pointing a finger accusingly. 

"That's because starfish don't have brains!"

"So you did cry!" Valt yells triumphantly. 

"And anyways," Shu interjects gently, before Rantaro can yell something back. "Why does it matter so much to you whether he thinks you don't have brains or not? He's just one guy."

"Because he likes him, Shu." Valt wiggles his eyebrows. "He matters a lot more to honcho than just one guy."

"You shut up!" Rantaro huffs before stomping out of the classroom, leaving behind his giggling, traitorous friends. 

Rantaro's losing, miserably. 

It's not his fault; he hadn't locked Roktavor into his launcher correctly by accident, which meant a shaky launch, which meant Wyvron claimed the centre of the stadium first, which meant- 

Okay, so maybe it is his fault. 

The point still stands though. Maybe if Wakiya hadn't gone and called him a stupid rat, he might have had enough clarity in his head to remember to properly attach his launcher to his bey. 

"So I guess this means I'm going to win again."Wakiya says smugly, smirking in that annoying way of his. 

"Nah, just watch, Roktavor's going to demolish your- oh."

Rantaro is left speechless as Roktavor bursts into three pieces, whilst Wyvron continues to spin the stadium, as if it's doing a little victory dance over Roktavor's dead body. 

Wakiya bursts into peals of laughter, almost doubling over. Rantaro is unamused, and just watches Wakiya with a deadpan expression as the other boy howls with laughter, tears welling up in his eyes. 

Just when Wakiya calms down, he takes one look at Rantaro's face and snorts like a pig, crying, "What are you making that stupid face for?" in glee. 

Rantaro can't help it; he starts to find it a little funny as well, but finds himself subconsciously looking for something to yell back at him. 

Ah. So maybe he is the one who starts it. 

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