Quick, act normal

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Silas and Kris get to know each other whilst preparing for their assignment ft. an absolutely useless Free who doesn't need to be in the plot but he is in the plot just because I wanted him in it.

Alternatively: Silas is down for Kris so. Bad.

(I don't care about canon age differences, everyone here is 17 lol)


"No," Silas insists, for the fifteenth time, eyes glaring upward at his teacher. "I'm not working with him."

He points angrily at the snoozing blonde besides him, drooling all over his exercise book. Mr. Vasquez sighs heavily though his nose, rubbing the sides of his temple with his thumb and forefinger.

"I've told you already," he replies, with whatever waning patience he's got left. "You do not have a choice, young man."

"But somebody in this room doesn't have a partner though- there's 25 of us." Silas argues, refusing to accept defeat. "I can do it alone."

"There is only one student in this classroom that I trust enough to expect a half-decent solo presentation from," Mr. Vasquez replies curtly. "And that is not you."

"I could make a fantastic presentation on my own. Better than anyone else." Silas refutes, arms crossed.

"I doubt you could beat Kristina. She's my star pupil."

Silas suddenly finds that he doesn't want to argue with his teacher. When he's right, he's right.

"Um, I'm flattered, sir," Kristina's voice pipes up from behind Silas, and he turns to face her; she's sat alone behind his table, the lucky thing. "But if it affects Silas that much, I'm not against working with Free."

"There!" Silas turns back to face Mr. Vasquez triumphantly. "The perfect solution."

"I said no."

"Or we could just work in a trio," Kris says offhandedly. "Then I don't have to do all the work."

Mr. Vasquez is silent for a second, and Silas holds his breath. He eventually concedes, and Kris gives Silas a little thumbs-up before picking up her chair to place in front of Silas' table. He's quick to stand and grab it for her (perhaps a little too quick) and she gives him a grateful smile as she gathers up her stuff to put on their table.

Silas dismisses the butterflies in his stomach as the aftereffects of whatever radioactive granola bar Xander had given him earlier.

"Free," Kris reaches over once she's seated again and shakes the arm Free's head is resting on. "Wake up now."

He doesn't even stir, and Kris shakes her head slightly in amusement. She tries again, only to be met with the same result.

Silas loses whatever patience he'd entered this lesson with and kicks his shin, and he jolts upright, eyes blown wide, and barks a "Here, sir!" across the class. Mr. Vasquez doesn't even respond, used to Free's scatter-brained antics, eyes fixed on the computer screen in front of him.

"Nobody's doing the register, idiot." Silas hisses, and roughly shoves their assignment sheet towards him. "We're doing that."

Free's eyes scan the text, and he yawns widely, throwing it back in Silas' face. "I don't want to. I don't care about tectonic hazards."

Silas sees red. His fingers clench into a fist, and he's oh-so-close to punching Free's nose in when Kris interjects, placing a hand on Silas' arm and effectively bringing down his anger levels.

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