Beyblading babysitters

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Another one of these "beyburst characters as ____" because they're a) really fun and b) distracting me from my mess of a life.

I've also got some real writing in process but!! This is just more fun for everyone so why not?

Valt: He's the kind of babysitter who'd be the one being taken care of by the child. He's raiding all the kitchen cabinets like a madman on a sugar rush and the poor baby is going "No! That's too much!" and scolding him and putting everything back. He's definitely the guy that parents hate because he leaves their house a mess, but they'll hire him anyways because he's so goddamn nice and he'd never harm their children (intentionally, at least.)

Shu: He's every parent's dream! So reliable, so gentle, and so, so good at what he does! It's a win-win for everyone because Shu's getting paid, the babies love Shu and the parents don't have to worry about anything whilst they're out. He definitely cooks dinner and stuff when he's over and makes loads so that the parents can have some too when they return, and he is just so loved for that. He is also keeps the house immaculate and takes it upon himself to do all the chores- he's perfect, and everybody knows it. (I mean, he basically grew up being his own babysitter, so...)

Rantaro: Make way for the baby whisperer! He's not as responsible as Shu, but he's one heck of a great babysitter regardless. He can get a child to do anything, whether it be tidying up their toys or brushing their teeth before bed. He's the type who makes the most mundane tasks seem fun, and whenever he's around, veggies are eaten without complaint- probably because good children get rewarded with a lollipop, but it's a win regardless. The house isn't squeaky clean when the parents return, but it's never downright disastrous like how Valt leaves it.

Daigo: He's the perfect mix of Rantaro and Shu; incredibly persuasive and incredibly responsible. He's wonderful with children, and parents love him so much because he's actually quite educational too and teaches children things that make the parent's lives so much easier, like saying please and thank you or tying their own shoe laces. One time he even potty trained a child and he didn't tell the parents, and when their child told them they didn't need nappies anymore they thanked him over and over.

Wakiya: He only got into babysitting to prove that he's better with children than Rantaro is- he absolutely is not. Gets into petty arguments, hogs the tv, sends them to bed early, everything you can think of. It also doesn't help that kids like to tug on his ponytail, and rip out his hair band and toss it somewhere into the abyss behind their sofa. That being said, parents like him because he's honest and he gets the job done, so he's not out of business just yet.

Xander: He's a big fat baby himself! Loves to get into play fights and pretend to be weak so the baby wins. He's another sweets soldier- unlike Valt, he's got some degree of self-control and doesn't go to overboard, which is why none of the children have gotten any cavities so far. His only downside is that he doesn't forget how many sweets he allows the babies to eat and therefore dinner is usually some nasty, healthy gross thing. He also really loves milk and will force the children to drink at least two glasses each because "It worked for me!"

Lui: Atrocious. No parent ever asks for him twice because their children are petrified of him. He's never laid a finger on them, but he's got an incredibly sharp tongue and loses his patience over every small thing. He also leaves exactly when the parents arrive, so they don't get to ask him about their kid's behaviour or anything.

Free: The absolute worst, simply because he's so inattentive and lazy. Baby is hungry? Go to the kitchen. Baby needs to wee but is too scared to go alone? Just turn the light on, you'll be fine. It's worse because he's not even distracted by the tv or anything, he just slumps himself on the sofa and naps there till the parents return.

Kris: She's the opposite of Free; she's so active and overly attentive that parents love her, but children find her to be too overbearing sometimes. She unintentionally offends them sometimes, too, like when she assumes they'll need her help with something or that they don't understand something. That being said, she makes great food and she's got a wonderful reading voice, so it works out in the end for everyone.

Silas: He likes to try make kids feel inferior to him, but it never works because he's cool and babies just love him. As soon as their parents are gone, he smirks evilly and goes "I'm the boss now, so you better listen to me" but he never actually does anything- although he has lost his temper quite a few times (the kids just find it funny at this point.) He's laidback when it comes to snacks and stuff; as long as he gets a cut of the goods, his mouth is zipped.

Yeah so that's it!! I hope you enjoyed this new edition of late night (early morning?) brain vomit, because it's basically a recurring thing for us now so you just need to get used to it.

Also I realised I used the word "baby" so many times but just know I mean like toddlers. Not, you know, actual literal babies.

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