Be my date

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Silas needs a date and Kris is more than prepared to be that date. And his only date. For the rest of his life.

Alternatively: Kris and Silas are simps for each other but they just don't realise it

Obvious OOC pls I'm sorry it's so dialogue-heavy too

(Kris and Silas are 17 here.)


When Silas barges into Kris' office, gloved fingers clenched tightly into fists, she doesn't know what to expect.

She has a feeling he's here to complain- yet again- about his rooming situation, and Kris prepares herself to, yet again, patiently explain to him that there's not enough space in the building to accommodate his (bratty) needs.

That's why she speaks before he gets the chance to spit out whatever's irritated him about Cuza this time, closing the screen of her laptop.

"If you're here to complain about your room again, Silas, then-"

"Nah," he closes the door and slinks into the seat opposite her desk- two things he's never bothered to do before. "I'm not here for that."

Kris is touched; he's never really come to her for things outside of beyblade, even if she really, really, really wishes he would.

"Then what are you here for?" She smoothes down her skirt, suddenly nervous for some unknown reason. She's around Silas a lot, so she doesn't know why she's getting flustered here all of a sudden- people talk alone sometimes, don't they? With the doors closed, and sitting right opposite each other, and the sunlight falling just right over the other person's face, illuminating their ocean blue eyes and-

"My cousin's getting married next week," he tells her, slumped back casually in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. "And I have to go."

Oh. He's only come to her to request permission to leave BC Sol. Not for a pleasant heart-to-heart.

Kris can't help but feel disappointed.

"That's lovely," she tells him regardless. "So you came to register your absence for next week? That's fine. How long are you going to be gone for?"

"That's not all." Silas grunts impatiently, like he's mad she didn't read his mind. "I've got to take someone with me. As a date."


"Why do you sound so annoyed?" She asks, eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Because," Silas divulges. "It's not like I'm seeing anyone. But if I don't take a date I'll look dumb."

"You're worried about what people think? You?" Kris chuckles, and she shakes her head in amusement. "You're the last person I'd expect to hear that from, honestly. You literally wear a crop top with purple sunglasses."

"Yeah, well I look good doing that!"

"I never said you didn't!"

Silas, at the very least, has the courtesy to pretend he doesn't see the blush on Kris' face, running a hand through his unruly hair and suddenly looking away. She fans herself with a hand, regaining her composure, before clearing her throat.

"You don't have anyone you're particularly interested in?" She almost cringes at how hopeful she sounds. "You could just... ask them?"

"You think I haven't thought about that?" He fires back, unimpressed, eyes still staring down at his feet. "It's just..." His voice trails off.

So he is interested in someone. Kris locks away that information into a corner of her brain to cry over later, and scrambles for something to say.

"It's just what?" It's harsher than she'd intended.

She immediately feels bad saying that- it's not like it's everyday that Silas Karlisle is in her office talking to her about his problems, but still. He's not exactly contributing much to this conversation.

He doesn't answer, just stares at her in reply with that brooding look of his. Kris gets the impression he's thinking about something.

"I'm sorry," she says sheepishly. "That wasn't nice of me. Maybe you should-"

"Be my date, Kris."

Kris is stunned into silence. Part of her wants to graciously accept and skip off with him into the sunset, but she knows better and wills herself to keep calm. Even if she is embarrassingly desperate to see Silas in a suit.

"You don't have to do that, Silas." Though I'm so glad you did.

"Do what?" He leans forward to peer into her face. Kris notes that he looks slightly flushed, but she figures it's probably the sun.

She wants to be Silas' date more than anything, she really does, but suddenly she finds herself feeling hesitant.

"You know," she fans at herself again, suddenly feeling that her office is far too warm. "Invite me because there's nobody else. I'm sure you'll find someone willing."

"You aren't willing?" He cocks an eyebrow, chin resting on his hand. He looks nonchalant, but Kris knows better, seeing the tension in his jaw and the way he's studying her facial expression.

"Don't play that game." Kris points a finger accusingly at him. "You know what I mean!"

"I don't know if I do." He sounds confused, far too confused for someone's who holds Kris' heart in the palm of his hand and is threatening to drop it with every passing minute.

"What I mean," Kris tries again, staring down at the polished wood of her desk. "Is that you shouldn't be taking me as a placeholder when there's someone else you want. It's not fair to them! Or me, actually."

"Okay, I hear you," Silas, much to Kris' immense surprise, admits. "But I think you're misunderstanding the situation here."

"There's no situation," Kris tuts. "You just need to grow a pair and ask."

"I did!" Silas genuinely appears to be in disbelief now. "I just did though!"

"Not me!" Kris exclaims shrilly. "The other person!"

"You are that person!" He explodes. "It's you! I want you! Kris, you are so dense!"

Silence, again. Kris is sure Silas can hear the wheels turning in her head as she tries to grasp what he's said.

"I'm not dense." She protests weakly. "You're just... you're the one who... you know... oh, Silas!"

"What?" He demands, the tips of his ears turning red. "You told me to grow a goddamn pair and spit it out and I did. So there."

Kris is positive that every inch of her body has turned as red as her hair, and it's all she can do to stop herself from squealing with joy.

"Of course I'll come with you," she cringes at her own eagerness. "I really do want to come with you. I... I really want you."

"That's what I thought." Silas says smugly, but Kris knows he's feeling just as relieved inside as she is.

"I'm so excited," she gushes. "What colour should I wear? What colour are you going to wear? Where is it, actually? Is it far? Is it not in Spain? Should I-"

"Kris, for the love of God, shut up about that and let me kiss you."

Kris is more than happy to oblige.


Okay so I skipped past all my drafts and wrote this in my free period bc 😀😀 I'm not mentally stable 😔💔 jk I hope u like this,,, it's just I couldn't stop thinking about them, their potential dynamic and everything

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